The Training Information and Public Service Net for this Tuesday April 8th, 2008 at 730 PM will feature a Spring/Summer Weather Panel featuring the following folks:
Bill Babcock SKYWARN Program Leader
K1PAI-Roger Jeanfaivre Hartford-Tolland County CT SKYWARN Coordinator
K1SJW-Steve Williams Connecticut State SKYWARN Coordinator
WD4R-Julio Ripoll National Hurricane Center-WX4NHC Assistant Coordinator
KD1CY-Rob Macedo ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Taunton
John-N1IWT, Program and Publicity Manager and Anne-K1STM, Net Manager are proud to be doing this program. This net is available via the following:
* The KB1EAV Connecticut Linked system:
* The New England Reflector System (EchoLink *NEW-ENG* Node: 9123/IRLP 9123)
* The Fairhaven Repeater, 145.490, linked via IRLP
Other IRLP nodes could be linked in for the net for users who have access to those nodes.
Please join us for the TIPS Net this evening.
—Thanks, SKYWARN Newsletter #252