Emergency Power Discussion At PART Of Westford, 2/17/09

Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford logoThe Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford will present a panel discussion on Emergency Power at its February Monthly Meeting. This panel discussion is a result of the numerous questions and comments that resulted from the ice storm in December and the extensive power outages (up to 5 days) that resulted. Many hams were well equipped to handle this power outage while some were not.

The panelists are: Ernie (N1AEW), Allison (KB1GMX), John (G3BVU) and Hugh (N1QGE). PART’s Vice President Andy (KB1OIQ) will moderate this panel. The panelists will focus mainly on generator backup power for the home but will also include emergency battery backup power for rigs. They will relate their experiences in dealing with the loss of conventional power. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers.

This meeting will be held at the Westford Police Station on Tuesday, February 17th at 7:30 PM. Directions to this meeting can be found on the PART web page at: http://wb1gof.org.

Bo Budinger, WA1QYM
President: PART of Westford
Eastern MA ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator

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