Bob Salow, WA1IDA writes on BARC-List:
An Emergency Communications Workshop will be held on Saturday, 8 August 2009 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Boston Salvation Army Headquarters at 147 Berkeley Street, Boston. The entrance is from Columbus Avenue opposite the fire station.
This Workshop is for active hams and is produced by the ARES Section Staff through the efforts of Metro Boston ARES, and the cooperation of the Massachusetts Division of The Salvation Army Boston SATERN team.
This Emergency Communications Workshop will provide the background and information to support Amateur Radio operators when needed to respond to a communications emergency or when supplemental communications via Amateur Radio is required. It will feature an Introduction and Conclusion to Emergency Communications, and five one-hour training sessions on topics including:
* Overview of Eastern Massachusetts ARES-RACES-SKYWARN Programs
* Net Operations
* NTS Traffic Message Handling
* Basic Overview of the Incident Command System (ICS)
* Go Kits
This Workshop will also provide a one-hour lunch at no coerced cost to any Amateur Radio operator who attends the session. The presentations will be given by hams well versed in the topics listed above. The training will be a worthwhile experience not just for emergency communicators but for any ham who wants to learn more about our service and hobby.
Preregistration is requested, but is not required in case anyone decides to attend at the last minute. Please try to preregister by Monday, 3 August 2009 to assure the meeting location is set up properly and we have enough refreshments for breaks between lectures and for the lunch break. We will, however, accept any late registrations after that day or any walk-ins provided space permits.
To register or if you have questions, contact Blake, K1BTH, at <> or 781.925.9900.