Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) H1N1 – Communications Campaign

Hello to all..

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), who is in coordination with MEMA (Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency) has launched a Communications Campaign on H1N1. Below are details on the communications campaign and what you and your family should know to stay protected this flu season:

Links to Flu Wallet Card and 60-Second Flu Video:

Flu Wallet Card:

Flu 60-Second Video:


Please see important information H1N1 below and tune into WBVC tomorrow night at 7pm…


Michael L. Raskin
Associate Director
Operations and Field Services
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
400 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702-5399
Office:   508.820.1422
Main:     508.820.2000
Cell:       617.828.5852
Fax:       508.820.2030

From: Joshi, Archana (DPH) []
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:31 PM
Cc: Liisa Jackson ; Monahan, Josh; Daly, Steve; Jones, Brenda;; Regan Checchio; Michael Raskin ; Ann McCobb; Baggs Judy ; Betsy Fijol; Bob Landry ; Bob Leupold ; Brent Reagor ; Dave Black; Diane Fielding; Dorisca, Betsy; Doug Halley; Ed Wirtanen; Ellen Hartnett; Ethan Mascoop; Gail Nixon; Gerard Cody; Heidi Porter ; Ira Grossman; Jack Wallace; James A. Garreffi ; Jennifer Murphy; Jim White ; John R. Fralick ; Judy Jelloe; Justin Snair; Karen DaCampo ; Karen D’Angelo; Kathy Fox ; Kathy Whittaker;; Leslie A. Cahill; Leslie Chamberlin ; Linda Fantasia; Lise Mespelli ; Louis Fazen; Mark Oram; Melissa Stuart; Mercer, Leila; Michael Delfino ; Michele D Cavallaro ; Nancy Bennotti; Ravi Nadkarni ; Robin Chapell; Ruth Mori ; Sam Wong; Scott Moles; Sharon Mastenbrook; Sheila Miller; Shelly Newhouse; Steve Calichman; Victoria Parsons; Walter Sweder; Wendy Diotalevi
Subject: FW: MDPH – H1N1 Communications Campaign
Importance: High


From: Bowen, Nyca (DPH)
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:05 PM
To: DPH-DL – All DPH Staff
Subject: H1N1 Communications Campaign
Importance: High

Flu Facts : What You Need to Know

Tune in to a live broadcast tomorrow, Thursday, September 10 th to see
Dr. Lauren Smith discuss the latest information on H1N1 (swine) Flu.

Dr. Smith will be on Channel 5 WCVB Boston at 7:00 p.m.

I want to let you know about the work we are doing to educate the residents of Massachusetts about the H1N1 Flu this fall. Our strategy incorporates a number of new messages, particularly around vaccination.  The DPH Communications Office is in the process of launching a communications campaign that incorporates messages about key areas of H1N1, with the goal of reducing morbidity and mortality associated with flu.  It has 3 main objectives:  Vaccination – encourage people to get a seasonal flu shot, and an H1N1 flu shot, especially if they are considered high-risk; Prevention – increase behaviors that prevent the spread of flu such as hand washing and covering your cough/sneeze; and Mitigation – encourage people to stay home when sick and to keep their kids home when sick.

The campaign involves messages in a variety of languages, through multiple channels and across several media markets. The channels of communication for the campaign will include:

       The Press:  Medi a relations will continue to form the backbone of our communications response.  In addition to regular briefings, we will proactively support our response by pitching relevant stories to support our messages around vaccination, prevention and mitigation.

·        Print:   advertisements will be placed in the Metro, as well as Spanish, Portuguese Chinese, Vietnamese, and H aitian Creole language newspapers.  The print campaign will also include display advertising on mass transit on the 5 major transit authorities in the state.  A copy of one of our web ads is attached as an example of some of our work.

·        Radio:  paid ads and public service announcements in multiple languages will be distributed to stations throughout Massachusetts.  Particular attention will be paid to utilizing ethnic radio outlets.

·        TV:  We are partnering with Channel 5 (WCVB) to conduct a live television show which will air this Thursday at 7:00.  Tune in as Heather Unruh leads a discussion with Dr. Lauren Smith, Medical Director of DPH and Dr. Richard Besser, National Health Correspondent for ABC that answers all the basic questions about H1N1. In addition to this live TV show, we will be taping a 30 minute television show that will air statewide on Comcast OnDemand as well as on cable access stations.  And we will be placing advertisements on both the Boston and Springfield area TV and cable stations, including a Spanish language station.  A copy of one of our TV ads in English is attached to this email.  ( Please note, you many need to save the file to your desktop in order to view.)

·          Social Networking : A variety of social media will be utilized including podcasts, You Tube videos, Facebook, Twitter and blogs.

The campaign began this week, and will continue throughout flu season.  As always, we will continue to use the DPH H1N1 webpage and blog to disseminate a wide variety of information for the public as well as providers and various target groups.  Our website has recently undergone a major revision in an attempt to make the massive amount of information on it more manageable.  You can find it at .

Please feel free to share this information with your colleagues and family.

Thank you.

Suzanne Crowther, MPH
Director, Communications
Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Office:  (617) 624-5195
Fax:      (617) 624-5206

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