Hello to all…
Massachusetts ARRL State Government Liaison, Shawn O’Donnell-K3HI, has been following and has put together a summary on pending cell phone legislation bill H-4475 and what it says and does not say about Amateur Radio. We encourage Amateurs to closely follow Shawn O’Donnell’s instructions in his info that we have posted to the ema.arrl.org web site. See link below:
It is noted that ARES Emergency Coordinator for Scituate, Massachusetts, Bob Callahan-W1QWT, has already been successful in getting state representative Jim Cantwell from his district to push an ammendment exempting federally licensed Amateur Radio Operators specifically from this legislation. When writing to your state senator, it may be good to mention this ammendment and the fact that this ammendment was in similar cell phone bill legislation a few years ago but that whole cell phone bill legislation was later defeated in the legislature.
Thanks to all for their support!
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: (508) 346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com