Roland Daignault, N1JOY writes:
Hi Everybody,
The Patriot Triathlon is next weekend, June 19th, and we can use a quite few more radio operators to man the checkpoints. The Hams are providing communications along the bicycle and running courses for 2 simultaneous events. The Patriot half-triathlon, and Minuteman Sprint races. The Patriot courses are a 13 mile run and 56 mile bicycle (two 28-mile laps), and the Minuteman Sprint is a 4 mile run and 14 mile bike ride. That makes for a LOT of checkpoints, plus a few people at the start/finish to monitor the transition areas where the racers go from swimming, to bicycles, to running, Net Control, and if possible, one person to sweep the course and stay behind the last racer.
If you have ever been interested in doing a public service event, this is a great chance to participate. I will be hauling the HAMCOW to the race to use as our Net Control station Friday night, and the race organizer is providing a nice catered meal at the end of the day with a band playing music. The HAMCOW will be utilizing 2 Meters and 440 for communications, and if you have either as an HT or mobile, then you’re ready to help!
The race starts and finishes in East Freetown, MA, and winds through Rochester, Acushnet, Middleboro, and Lakeville. Please consider joining us for a nice day of supporting the racers, and promoting Ham Radio.
If you are interested in helping, please contact me at, or direct on my cell at: (617)-839-9081.
Check out the event web site at:
I also have some photos of the 2009 triathlon event at: Click on Past HAMCOW Events.
Please pass the word to anybody who might be interested in helping out with this event, or any of the other events coming up this season.