Hello to all,
Eastern Mass. ARES has been approached by Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton to develop a hospital/ham radio relationship for emergency communications. Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, Eastern Mass. Section Manager and I met with staff from Good Samaritan hospital and came to a preliminary agreement. We will be persuing a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with them in the very near future.
In the meantime, we would like to start recruiting for folks who might be interested in being a regular part of Good Samaritan’s Emergency Communications Response Team. As such, each participant will be registered with the hospital’s Volunteer Department and issued an appropriate Volunteer ID that will allow access to the Good Samaritan Campus. Arrangements will be developed for regular training exercises so that participants can get to know the hospital and its equipment.
Good Samaritan is working on developing a three hospital (i.e. Good Samaritan, Norwood, & St. Anne’s) grant program to obtain the necessary equipment.
If you are interested in becoming part of this program, please contact me at my email address listed below. Also, please forward along this request to all those hams who are not part of this list, who might be interested in participating in this endeavor.
Carl, N1FY – Assistant Section Manager/SEC for Eastern Mass. ARRL/ARES
caave at peoplepc.com