Dave Steeves, KB1MKW writes:
“The [Chelsmford High School ARC] N1CHS should be on the air after school from 2:00 pm for an hour or so each day if schedules permit. Being on the East Coast we lose out on contacting schools on the West Coast do to the time zones. A possible idea is to have the CHSARC students and parents meet for a couple hours one evening during this contesting week at the school to operate in the [School Club Roundup] to make some contacts to other schools on the west coast and also to meet the Amateur Radio Club adviser and teacher, Dave Steeves, KB1MKW.
“This is a fun event for all kids in the school club to be able to get together and socialize and be able to speak with other students on the air. We have seen an increase in use of PSK31 during this contest, I think the kids like this mode because it is like texting to them. But phone is great just to just to hear the voices of other students. We are hoping that the members of the Police Amateur Radio Team will be able to make a contact with the CHSARC during the contest week. In the past this event has been successful. An operating schedule could be posted on the PART-L list or look for N1CHS on the DX clusters. In the September, 2010 issue of QST, page 62 there is a story about the past School Club Roundup success.
“The school’s radio is a Yaesu FT-897D, 100 watts only, and the antenna is a Cushcraft vertical R6000, 6 through 20 meters. The antenna is mounted on the school’s roof. You can see this antenna from Route 3. At this time we don’t have coax to run to the roof (250ft) to install a VHF antenna. The club room is located on the ground level and there are three stories above to the roof. The club does have one old computer that is connected to the Yaesu FT-897D; it is running Ham Radio Deluxe for PSK31 etc.
“The CHSARC is looking forward to meeting our new members this fall.”
Thanks PART “PARTicles,” September, 2010, and Senior Physics Teacher and CHSARC Adviser Dave Steeves, KB1MKW