Tom Bertolino, KB1P writes:
Hams are needed to assist in the command and control of the Boston Brain Tumor Ride on Sunday May 15, 2011. Your participation in this event will help to ensure the safety of the riders and make this event a success. The Brain Tumor Ride has three routes; a 10 mile, 25 mile, and 50 mile ride. All 3 rides start and end in the front parking lot of Reservoir Woods, Waltham, MA. The rides start at between 0800 and 1000 hrs and and will end in the early afternoon. The rides follow basically the same route with variations. The all 3 rides will travel through Waltham and Lincoln. The turnaround point for the ten mile ride is in Lincoln and it will return to Waltham through Weston. The 25 and 50 mile route with continue to Concord. The turnaround point for the 25 mile ride is in Concord. It will return to Waltham through Lincoln and Weston. The 50 mile ride continues to Carlisle, with a turnaround point in Westford. It will return to Waltham by way of Acton, Carlisle, Concord, Lincoln, and Weston.
Assignments will be at water stops, in sweep and recovery vehicles, and shadows at Reservoir Woods. Assignments start between 0700 – 1000 hrs and end between 1200 to 1400 hrs depending on the assignment. There will food and entertainment available after the ride in the start and finish area.
A 2-meter, 5 watt hand-held radio is satisfactory for most of the assignments at this event. A better antenna then the “rubber duck antenna” that came with your radio is desirable, and a “mag mount” antenna would be better still (not required) if you are assigned to a vehicle.
Our Ham supported public service events are interesting and fun experiences. The communication load is light, but safety and support for the participants are always primary. If you are new and want to get more public service experience, this is an excellent opportunity to learn the ropes. If you are an experienced public service volunteer we need your help.
If you can help with this event please reply to me with all of the following information as soon as possible. Reply by email is the best method. If you know other hams who would like to volunteer, ask them also send the following information to me.
Your assistance is valuable. Please let me know promptly if you can help. I will get the assignments and more details to you as soon possible. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to recommend another ham to join us.
Full name
On-air name
Call sign
Postal mailing address (including 9-digit ZIP code)
Evening phone
Day phone
Cell phone
Email address
Does your 2-meter radio have CTCSS (PL)?
Do you have a dual-band radio?
Do you have a magnetic mount antenna?
T-shirt size
Let me know your event preference. Note that we cannot assure you that all preferences can be granted. Try to get back to me as quickly as you can.
Tom Bertolino, KB1P
kb1p at