BAA Half Marathon, Oct. 9

Bob Salow, WA1IDA writes:

The ham public service events are winding down for this year, so soon you can relax (except for the “real” disasters). Here we are at the Eleventh Annual BAA Half Marathon. For the past ten years this event received huge acclaim in the athlete’s world – largely because of the skills and experience of the organizers and support staff (we are definitely a part of that). The Half Marathon is run almost entirely in Boston (2% in Brookline), with more than 5000 local, national and international athletes already registered. Proceeds benefit the Jimmy Fund.

Our ham radio team has been asked again to support communications for this event doing our usual medical, water and administrative tasks. We definitely need your help. Time is short.

The Half Marathon will be held on SUNDAY, 9 OCTOBER 2011, with hams to report at 0630 or 0730 (depending on assignment). The course is along the length of the “Emerald Necklace” (as beautiful as you can get in Boston). As last year, the Start and Finish lines are now at White Stadium in Franklin Park, running to the Fenway and return.

The weather is likely to be cool and the 13.1-mile course should not be a strain on the athletes. Water and medical stations are spaced appropriately. We also have assignments at several hazardous or confusing points on the course. Our duties on the course will be to support these locations, but we also serve as observers of the runners, spectators and local residents (some of their streets are to be closed). Some of the stations serve both outbound and inbound runners. At White Stadium, we have a number of fixed and roving medical assignments.

The entire event should be over before 1130, and all roads will be progressively opened.

Because the entire course is compact, very few repeaters need be used. Our present plan is to use both 2-meters and 70-cm, both bands with CTCSS.

WE NEED YOU TO VOLUNTEER. As in the past, we are committed to reliable, professional performance. Please sign up quickly. Our duties at this event are straight forward and are well suited for hams who have little experience at public service. Each ham must have his or her own radio and accessories – no sharing of equipment can be permitted during the event. Each ham must be self sufficient for the entire period, as we cannot assure partnered assignments.

NOTE: Our past success has been appreciated, resulting in requests for added coverage. More hams are needed – including those new to public service events. Please spread the word in your local club and to your on-the-air friends! Anyone interested should contact me directly ASAP. We also need you to understand that although we must call for more hams now, final staffing needs may not match the number of ham volunteers. Therefore, a very small possibility exists that we still may not be able to give everyone an assignment.

As the event date gets closer, those who volunteer will receive an email with the assignment, a detailed description of the assignment site and other information.

We also need to know if you have a dual band radio – 2-meters with CTCSS and if you have the 70-cm band. If you have any questions about participation, do not hesitate to contact me.

When you reply, please include the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Postal mailing address
  • Phone number(s) – home and cell
  • Your best email address for last minute information
  • Can you open an MS Word email attachment?
  • Are you available to drive, and, if assigned on the course (not assured), would you drive there directly?
  • Your shirt size


Bob Salow, WA1IDA

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