The ARRL Foundation has awarded a $200 grant to the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association towards the purchase of equipment to support CAARA’s ongoing weekly Morse code classes.
In a letter dated October 19, 2011 from Foundation Secretary Mary Hobart, K1MMH to CAARA’s Rick Maybury, WZ1B, Hobart writes:
“On behalf of the ARRL Foundation I am pleased to advise you that the Foundation Board of Directors has approved a grant of $200 from the ARRL Foundation CW Operators Fund. The grant is provided for the purchase of a MFJ-4628 Multi-Mode Code reader.
“As outlined in your grant application, this grant will provide funding for equipment to be used in learning and practice of Morse code in your Saturday morning classes. The classes include the history of Morse code, reading, transmitting, contesting and emergency services.
“Congratulations! The Foundation Board will be eager to hear from you about the impact of this grant.”
The Eastern MA ARRL leadership also extends its congratulations to CAARA members for their work in promoting Morse code–still a vibrant and popular mode of Amateur communication.