Many of you asked for some follow-up information on the presentation last Saturday. I have prepared a press release for amateur radio use only that fills in some details and answer some questions with as much information as we have now. See the link below for the press release:
More information will be available in a few weeks after my team and I have met with the MEMA Director. You may direct any questions you may have (that we can answer now) to me, the Regional RO’s, and the WMA and EMA SEC’s.
NEW: Follow me on Twitter @WC1MA, and Facebook handle WC1MA
Regards and 73,
Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN
State RACES Officer (Acting);
Member of the MEMT;
Member of the MA State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC), and Policies and Programs subcommittee;
Chairperson, Amateur Radio Working Group
New Office Answering Service: 978.293.7858