Ken Caruso, WO1N writes:
All speakers and organizations wanting to participate in the 2012 ARRL New England Division Convention program, please contact us at your earliest opportunity. Note the dates for the convention this year: August 24 – 26, 2012.
While there has been good response to date, open program hours remain available. Contact us if you wish to present a talk; include a subject title and, if you are so prepared, include a brief abstract.
If you represent a regional club or organization (e.g. NESMC, CEMARC, MARS, NEWS etc.) we can help facilitate open forums or closed meetings by providing you a meeting room. We do ask that organizations like this to please consider Sunday morning time slots for their closed meetings.
Groups looking to set up information booths should get your request in early. While the information booths are offered without charge, we ask for some volunteer time in return to assist us with ticket sales and other logistics during the convention operation.
Note, if you require a hotel room, make your reservations ASAP per the instructions contained on the web site to get the special convention rate.
Keep an eye on the convention web site,, for the latest information.
We look forward to meeting you at the convention,
Ken Caruso, WO1N
Boxboro Program Chairman