N1WCO writes on Facebook:
The Southcoast CERT Collaborative comprised of the Emergency Management Agencies from the communities of Dartmouth, Freetown, New Bedford and Westport will be conducting TWO Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training courses in our area beginning next month. The first class to be held in New Bedford will start on Wednesday 02 May and every Wednesday until the 27th of June. The New Bedford class will run from 18:30 hrs (6:30pm) to 21:30 hrs (9:30pm) and will be held at the Brooklawn Park Senior Center, 1997 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford.
The second class will be held at the Westport Fire Headquarters located at 54 Hix Bridge Road, Westport and will start on Thursday 03 May and will continue every Thursday evening from 18:30hrs to 21:30hrs through the 28th of June. Participants must attend all sessions to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion.
Disaster Prepardness
Disaster Medical Operations Part 1- Triage and Treating life
threatening Injuries
Disaster Medical Operations Part 2- Assesment and Treatment of Common
Light Search and Rescue
Terrorism Awareness
Fire Safety Disaster Psychology
Course Review and Disaster Simulation
There is no cost for this training the CERT Classes are FREE!