Greetings Eastern Mass traffic handlers,
It is with great sadness that we have lost a fellow traffic handler and friend in Gil Follett W1GMF. He will definitely be missed. Gil’s passing has not only left us without that booming voice on the nets and a lot of traffic, but he was also sysop for the N1XTB BBS, our local digital outlet for traffic and helped maintain the NTS page on the website. Phil N1XTB has agreed to keep the BBS operational for our use, and Loren N1IQI, who has helped keep us busy with his traffic, has also, along with K1YCQ and N1LUM, been monitoring the BBS for traffic to make sure it gets cleared. Thanks to all you folks and others who take traffic from the BBS for delivery. It is much appreciated.
Your STM is about to learn how to post information on the website, so you can look for the monthly report and any other traffic notes which I hope to put up there. If anyone has any traffic related articles they would like to see posted there please let me know.
It is great to see all the new folks checking into both the two meter nets, taking traffic and taking on net control. Just a reminder that not only does the 8:00 net meet daily on the Boston repeater, but Heavy Hitters meets regularly at 10 on the Minuteman linked repeaters Monday, Wednesday and Friday as well as Tuesday and Thursday when NCS is available. Dave N1LUM has been running most nets along with Scott N1SGB on Wednesdays. This net has been growing, but I’m sure Dave would appreciate help with NCS duties.
We have an Eastern Mass section net which currently meets Monday through Friday at 5:30 on 3918 Khz. Participation on this net has not been very good. Currently this is our only section net, and liaises with the region nets to get traffic beyond the section. Is anyone on HF who could help out with this net? Please see Jim N1LKJ or KW1U for more information. If we had more participation we would like to return to seven days a week.
Anyone interested in CW traffic handling? We have had no CW section net for awhile now due to lack of participation. There is an excellent CW training net and I would be happy to provide more information about that to anyone interested. Not feeling good about your CW skills? I would be glad to get on the air for some code practice. I haven’t tried CW on two meters, but can set up some practice time on HF if anyone is interested.
Enough for now, but see you on the nets. Thanks again to all for your participation.
73, Marcia KW1U, STM EMA Section