K2VUD: “DMR for Beginners” at NE Sci-Tech, June 23, 2020

New England Sci Tech logoEoghan Bacon, K2VUD, will be leading a discussion on Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) for beginners on Tuesday June 23, 2020. The goal is to turn [New England Sci-Tech] into a DMR repeater and then be able to get STARS members access to a DMR talk group. In order to access DMR repeaters, you need a DMR radio and possibly a DMR hotspot. We will be discussing all of this in a few weeks… In the meantime, sign up for a DMR ID here: https://www.radioid.net/register.  -New England Sci-Tech Newsletter

YCCC SIG: FT4-FT8 Contesting Talk, June 10, 2020

Dennis Egan, W1UE, writes on the YCCC mailing list:

Please join us Wednesday evening [June 10, 2020] at 7:30 PM.  Our concentration this week will be on operating FT4/8 in digital contests.

Coverage will include WSJT-x, but it won’t include any of the other variations (JTAlert, MSHV, etc.) as I have no experience with them.  If someone wants to cover them, please let me know and I’ll allot time.

Setup, what boxes to click, and how to operate will all be covered.  See  you then!

N1DM: “Introduction to FT8 and FT4” at Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society Online, June 16, 2020

2nd Tuesdays Lectures Series (on the 3rd Tuesday of June 16th!)
Introduction to FT8 and FT4 by Dom Mallozzi, N1DM
“The talk is Introduction to FT4 and FT8. It covers some info on both modes and than shows numerous screen shot of the setup of a FT station and also shows example of actual QSO’s and explains what many of the buttons and pull downs in the software mean. It is intended to help newcomers to the mode to have a gentle introduction.
“As for me, I retired from Raytheon last year after 38 years as an electrical engineer specializing in measurement equipment. I have been a ham for 48 years starting my ham career as WN1RFT in RI. In addition to FT4 and FT8 over the years I have done various things such as RTTY, PSK31, Packet and OSCAR satellites. Currently I do some contesting and DXing on CW and am also very active on DMR. I still do quite a bit of homebrewing and also act as the Radio Engineer for the Natick Fire and Police Depts. I don’t collect many awards but proudly hold a 160M WAS that was done all at low power.”

15-meter QRP FT8 Activity Night, Westford Vicinity

Greg Troxel, N1DAM, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:

Without any claim to authority, I’m declaring QRP 15m FT8 activity night tonight (October 21, 2019), from 2000 to 2100 local.

I have worked a bunch of stations, including DX, but am puzzled at the relationship of sent to received signal strengths — I receive usually 20 dB worse reports than I send.  So I am guessing that if a few of us are on, with a closed band, and all with the same TX power, perhaps I can understand better.  And perhaps others can shake out their equipment.

To participate, just either answer people calling CQ, or call CQ yourself, somewhere in the 15m FT8 frequency.  It’s probably useful to upload to PSK reporter; someday someone might write code to analyze a group of people participating in an activity night like this.

If you participate, please send me (tonight)

  call, city/town, state, antenna type, tx power

(please try to use 5W if you can, but tell me what you actually used), and I’ll send a summary to the mailing list tomorrow.

I realize some of you can’t operate on 15m, and surely we can do this again on 10m, 6m, 80m, or someplace else on some other night, perhaps next Monday, or perhaps someone else can organize.

73 de N1DAM

WO1VES: “Digital Voice Hotspots for Ham Radio” at Billerica ARS Meeting, May 1, 2019

Andy Wallace, KA1GTT, writes on the Billerica Amateur Radio Society mailing list:

Everyone, I am excited to announce that Brian Gudzevich, WO1VES, will be our speaker for May.  Brian runs the “Wolf Pack Repeater System” in Stoneham and hosts the “Nut Net” on the Danvers repeater (145.47) at 11:15PM every day.

Brian explains his topic: “I will be presenting an introduction to digital voice hotspots for ham radio.  These hotspots are designed to link digital radios to reflectors over the Internet, and allow you to talk to people anywhere in the world without the use of a Repeater.  They will work with almost any make, model and digital mode.  I will also be giving a run down of the various digital modes, reflectors, and terminology.  Followed by a live demo.  I hope to give people a full understanding of how these hotspots work.”

That says it much better than I could. If, like me, you only use an FM rig to talk on repeaters this could be really eye opening and I am guessing it will also be a way to “work DX” with your HT or computer! I hope the turnout will be excellent.

In addition, the Near-Fest ham flea (May 3 and 4) and ARRL Field Day (June 22-23) are approaching fast and after Brian speaks we will have Club discussion about those events.

Andy, KA1GTT

President, Billerica Amateur Radio Society


Meetings begin promptly at 7:00 PM, first Wednesday of the month.

Our meeting location in Chelmsford is at:

Chelmsford Bible Church
128 Gorham St. (Route 3A)
Chelmsford, MA 01824

Please park in back and enter by the rear door. A map can be accessed by the “Club Meetings” notice on the right side of the website.

The Billerica ARS encourages members to get on the air! (GOTA). There are many exciting operating events over the coming cold months to enjoy. Let us know what you’re interested in.

Bring a friend (or aspiring ham) and join us!

Note: The weekly BARS Wednesday night net will not meet on this evening because of the club meeting. Members are encouraged to get on Billerica (147.12) on their way to/from the meeting instead.


Faster, More Contest-Friendly FT4 Digital Protocol to Debut in a Week

From ARRL Web:

A new, speedier, more contest-friendly digital mode is just days away in beta version. WSJT-X Developers say serious work on the new FT4 protocol began shortly after the FT8 Roundup held last December 1-2. The goal was a mode that could compete with RTTY contesting in terms of contact rates, while preserving many of the benefits of FT8. [More]

NBEMS Demo at South Shore Hospital

Cape Cod and Islands District Emergency Coordinator Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O, presented on VHF/UHF Narrow-Band Emergency Message System (“NBEMS”) at an Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net meeting at the South Shore Hospital in Weymouth on April 6, 2019.

According to O’Laughlin, the meeting was “well attended by many, including Assistant DEC Henry Brown, K1WCC, and Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY. “

Gloucester 440 Repeater on Wolf Pack Network

Brian Gudzevich, WO1VES, writes on the Cape Ann ARA mailing list:

I am happy to announce that I have the long awaited link from the Gloucester 443.700 Fusion repeater to the Wolf Pack Network up and running.  This network currently features four repeaters that are either part time or full time linked.  This includes:
Stoneham 147.075
Gloucester 443.700
Farmington NH 147.240
Methuen 443.825
There is also a YSF Reflector available for use with hotspots.  You can connect your hotspot to “US WolfDen”.  Echolink works as well; you can connect to “WO1VES-R”.
Note, this link is still in testing.  Expect issues, and let me know if you encounter any problems.
I hope to be at the meeting on Saturday if anyone has any questions about the link.
Thanks, everyone.  Comments are always welcome.

W1DYJ to Present FT8 Talk at Minuteman Repeater Association, March 20, 2019

MMRA logoThe Minuteman Repeater Association will feature Larry Banks, W1DYJ, who will present “FT8: Not a Prefix, a Powerful New Mode” on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM. The meeting location is the Microsoft Technology Center, 5 Wayside Rd, Burlington, MA 01803.  (Directions)

“FT8 showed up on the ham horizon in August 2017, and has since become the ‘hot new mode.’ Larry will discuss its history and how to set up your station. He will also introduce a supporting application called JTAlert and highlight some reporting web sites. He will end with his personal experience using FT8 to chase DX.”


WSJT-X with FT8 Support Now Available

Randy Thompson, K5ZD, writes on the YCCC reflector:

There is a big event happening in ham radio today.  The new release of WSJT-X is out and it will require a major migration for FT8 users.  The new WSJT-X support for FT8 is incompatible with the old one.  I don’t think we have seen this kind of dramatic change in a mode before.  I installed the new version and got on 30 meters.  Lots of signals, but not many decoding. But, this is day 1.  I am sure people will upgrade quickly.


The current General Availability (GA) release is WSJT-X 2.0.0The FT8 and MSK144 protocols have been enhanced in a way that is not backward compatible with older program versions. 

The new protocols become the world-wide standards starting on December 10, 2018, and all users should upgrade to WSJT-X 2.0 by January 1, 2019.  After that date, only the new FT8 and MSK144 should be used on the air.

Release Notes for Version 2.0.0:  

Upgrading from a previous WSJT-X version will be seamless.  There is no need to uninstall a previous version or move any files.

New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net, June 29, 2018

Brian, WO1VES writes:
This is a reminder that tonight at 8:00 PM I will once again be hosting the New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net.  This is a Yaesu System Fusion net open to all ham radio operators.  There are multiple ways to connect:
Direct to the Stoneham repeater: 147.075 with your Fusion radio
Through a Wires-X connected repeater or node: Connect to Wolf-Den, room 28941
Through your hotspot: Connect to the YSF reflector US Wolf Den
Through Echolink: No Fusion Radio?  Connect to WO1VES/R on Echolink
Through your DMR radio into your hotspot. SharkRF Openspot and MMDVM based devices can link DMR radios to YSF reflectors.  Just connect to US Wolf Den.
Work is still underway to full time link the Gloucester 443.700 Fusion repeater, but it is still not ready yet. I will also be adding an FCS reflector to the link.  I also encourage any other New England area Fusion repeaters to link in for the net.
Thanks everyone!
Brian – WO1VES

DMR Simplex Mountaintop Activity Planned, June 17, 2018

Gene Balinski, K1NR shared this photo of a summit on the air operationon the Algonquin ARC mailing list from Tim Watson, KB1HNZ:
I just wanted to get the word out that our club is planning a DMR Simplex activity for Sunday morning, June 17th. We will be having parties travel to the summits of Mt. Washington, NH, Mt. Equinox, VT, and Mt. Greylock, in Western Mass. We’re hoping to try for a couple of summit to summit contacts, but also, in order to make it a worthwhile [Summits On The Air] activation, we’d like to be able to work a few other stations besides each other. 

From past experience, calling CQ on DMR simplex doesn’t yield much, so please help spread the word!

The party on Mt. Washington will include KC1HBM and KC1XT.

Myself (KB1HNZ) and my wife, K1GJY will be traveling to the summits of Mt. Equinox and Mt. Greylock. The first stop will be Mt. Equinox, sometime between 8:30-9:00 AM.

We will be using 145.790 for VHF, and 446.075 for UHF. 

New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net

Brian Gudzevich, WO1VES writes on the NSRA mailing list:
This is for all the Fusion radio owners out there, as well as some DMR and Echolink users.  I am starting a new monthly Fusion net on the last Friday of every month at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.  The first net will be this Friday, April 27th.  It will be based on the main repeater of the Wolf Pack Repeater System, the 147.075 WA1RHN repeater in Stoneham, Mass.
The net will be called the New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net.  This will be a New England centric net, and will cover topics of interest to operators living in the region.  I’m also going to offer a question and answer portion to help operators get the most out of their Fusion radios.
The following radios made by Yaesu are Fusion capable: FTM-100, FTM-400, FT-1D, FT-1XD, FT-2D, FT-70, FTM-3200, FTM-3207, FTM-7250, FT-991, and FT-991A.  If you have one of these models, you can get into the net through any of the links.  You can also access with a DMR radio and a SharkRF OpenSpot.
The net will take place on the Wolf Pack Network, which in addition to the main repeater in Stoneham, offers links through Wires-X, YSF Reflectors, and Echolink.  Here are the current linking options:
1) If you have a Fusion radio and you are within range of the 147.075 repeater, you can come in direct to the net.  There is nothing special needed to access the repeater.
2) With a Fusion radio, and access to another linked Fusion repeater, or a Fusion node working with the Yaesu HRI-200.  You can connect with Wires-X to room 28941, called Wolf-Den.
3) A Fusion radio and a hotspot, such as a SharkRF OpenSpot, DV4Mini, ZUMSpot, etc.  These can connect to YSF Reflectors..  In there, you will find a reflector called “US WolfDen”.  This is full time connected to the Stoneham Repeater, and will be connected for the net.
4) DMR Radio operators with a SharkRF OpenSpot can connect to the YSF Reflector “US WolfDen”.  If you need help setting that up, let me know.
5) If you don’t have a Fusion radio yet, but wish to check out the net, Echolink is available.  Just look for “WO1VES/R” node 813502.  There is currently a limit of 4 connections.
If you know anyone in New England with a Fusion repeater or Node, please encourage them to link in for the net.  The more users from New England, the better.  Any repeaters that I can confirm will be connected for the net, I will list on the Wolf Pack website at www.wo1ves.com.


Attached here is the section traffic report for both East and West Mass. It is good to know that the nets are not dependent on any one person and function very well such as when your STM was off the air. As many of you know my station has had its problems for the past few months and I have had to replace various pieces of equipment. Many improvements including a new antenna are now in place thanks to Greg KC1CIC (and the N1OTC bow and arrow), to whom I am greatly indebted. I am now back and hopefully with an almost entirely new station I will be in business for another couple years or more.
I would also like to mention an article now posted on our section website written by our own KC1CIC regarding his experience during a recent New England nor’easter and all his emergency preparations prior to the storm. Good reading and good advice. Look for it at https://ema.arrl.org/2018/04/13/gaining-experience-and-confidence-through-a-storm/.   Thanks to all for your support of the nets.

MA STM REPORT       MARCH 2018    
WMTN C1 29 5 294 160 KD2JKV 146.91 10:00 Daily
WMTN C2 26 10 184 174 N1YCW 146.91 13:00 Daily
MARI 30 73 89 391 KW1U 3565 KHz 19:00 Daily
EM2MN 31 154 228 737 KC1CIC 145.23 20:00 Daily
CM2MN 27 45 272 278 KK1X 146.97 21:00 Daily
MARIPN 14 7 45 122 N1LAH 3978 KHz 18:00 Tu,Th,Sa
CITN 23 1 70 277 N1SYC 147.375 19:30 M,T,T, F,Sa
HHTN 17 14 65 208 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 22:00 Su,M,W,F
WMEN 4 0 97 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 08:30 Su
WARPSN 4 8 76 NA N1IQI 147.225 08:30 Su
KW1U 0 397 348 5 750 X  
N1IQI 0 95 435 3 533 X  
KC1CIC 0 105 70 11 186    
N1TF 0 45 61 3 109    
WA1LPM 0 26 46 0 72    
N1LAH 0 32 35 1 68    
W1RVY 0 30 34 4 68    
KC1HHO 0 25 21 21 67    
NV1N 0 17 32 0 49    
N1LKJ 0 17 23 0 40    
N1SYC 0 10 15 6 31    
W1PLK 0 6 4 3 13    
K1BML 0 2 0 1 3    
PSHR  (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KC1CIC 40 40 30 5 0 20 135
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 15 10 125
N1TF 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 5 0 105
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1SYC 40 31 20 5 0 0 96
WA1LPM 40 40 10 0 0 0 90
KC1HHO 30 40 10 0 5 0 85
NV1N 34 40 10 0 0 0 84
K1BML 27 1 10 0 0 0 38
KW1U 870 1265 2135        
N1IQI 95 435 530        
KC1CIC 42 33 75        
KC1EGK 0 5 5        
W1RVY 3 2 5        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED              


The big news of the day is our new section website which Phil K9HI has spent many hours getting ready for us.  Many thanks to Phil and to Tom K1TW, our section manager for his inspiration in bringing this project to fruition.  It is bringing all the section activities together in one place and I hope you will find it interesting, helpful and easy to use.  Any suggestions on topics for the NTS page can be addressed to kw1u@arrl.net. This is your page for training and news in the world of message handling.

To those in the West Mass section (and that includes the folks in central Mass) we welcome a new Section Manager, Ray Lajoie KB1LRL. Ray has been active on the CM2M Net.

New amateurs are becoming involved in the traffic nets and they are most welcome. Congrats to Peter KC1HHO on his new ORS (Official Relay Station) appointment.

Below is the traffic report for East and West Mass sections with thanks to Greg KC1CIC for it’s compilation. You all are great. Keep up the good work.

Marcia KW1U STM East and West Mass

MA STM REPORT       JANUARY 2018    
MARI 28 27 61 267 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
EM2MN 31 142 225 740 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
CM2MN 29 24 198 279 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 31 3 249 198 KD2JKV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 31 7 256 203 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
MARIPN 12 0 18 60 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
HHTN 18 21 72 219 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 22 10 65 284 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, F,Sa
WMEN 3 0 82 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
WARPSN 4 8 69 NA N1IQI 147.225 8:30AM Su
KW1U 0 257 201 0 458    
KC1CIC 0 76 52 11 139    
N1LAH 0 49 56 3 108    
N1TF 0 32 59 1 92    
NV1N 0 14 46 0 60    
N1SYC 0 21 22 10 53    
W1RVY 0 18 26 0 44    
W1PLK 0 5 3 2 10    
KC1HHO 0 2 5 2 9    
PSHR  (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KC1CIC 40 40 30 5 0 20 135
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
N1TF 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
N1SYC 40 40 20 10 5 0 115
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
NV1N 38 40 10 0 0 0 88
KC1HHO 28 7 30 0 0 0 65
KW1U 741 953 1694        
KC1CIC 13 42 55        
KC1EGK 0 4 4        
W1RVY 0 0 0        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED              

Plymouth Repeater Going Digital

Genesis ARS logoJack Buckley, W1AKN writes on the Genesis ARS list:

We are getting closer to operating on N1ZIZ (147.835 -600) in the digital (NXDN) mode. The first of March will be the official date for using NXDN on N1ZIZ. The N1ZIZ repeater currently is operating on the analog FM mode with the repeater configured to operate in mixed mode which allows for both digital and analog operation.

The PL 82.5 must be reprogramed to the new PL 131.8. Anyone wishing to have assistance with this reprograming is invited to drop in next Sat Feb. 17. Come with the rig in question and we will see if we have the cable (bring the programming cable if you already have one) You may bring your cable and software (we will attempt to employ Chirp program, but cannot guarantee the rig is included in Chirp app yet) If you wish to get the app setup on your PC, bring your PC in (we are conducting GARS Linux training but you can bring MS for this session) You must have adapter and AC cord along with an extension cord to power you rig

Bottom Line N1ZIZ is configured as follows:

  • Both PL 82.5 and 131.8 are configured on the repeater right now
  • Only 131.8 will be supported post March 2018
  • Mixed Mode = NXDN to NXDN and or Analog to Analog
  • PL of less than 100 has been shown to be unreliable on the Icom Commercial FR5000 repeaters (this includes N1ZIZ)
  • PL 131.8 will be supported going forward

As always:

Please come join us at a Genesis ARS business meeting they are conducted every last Monday of each month.

GARS Business Meetings are at Plymouth Airport, Gate #2, Community Room AKA: precinct voting room, 7PM – 8PM with speakers most meetings!


Here is an opportunity to learn more about basic traffic handling techniques, net operation with an introduction to the use of Winlink in Emergency Comms.  It is presented by the New Hampshire traffic folks, but anyone interested is invited to register.  This is a half day event in Concord NH.  I plan to be there and hope I can see some folks from Massachusetts there as well.  Note the information below.

73, Marcia KW1U STM EMA/WMA

The 2018 NH Traffic and Training Symposium will be  held Saturday, February 10 from 9a until noon at Concord Bible Fellowship 25 Rockingham St. in Concord, NH. This year’s symposium will focus on basic traffic handling techniques, net operation and an introduction in the use of Winlink in Emergency Communications.  Registration is requested. Simply send an email to peter@k1pjs.com with “I would like to attend” in the subject line.


I hope everyone is enjoying a good start to the new year despite the cold and low number of sun spots.  December turned out to be a good month traffic-wise. It seemed holiday messages increased over the past few years and that was nice to see.   This station continues to have issues with 80 meters and therefore not able to make evening HF nets but efforts continue to find a solution.  Thanks to all who are covering.  We in Eastern Mass are seeing some new folks checking into our local nets and handling traffic.  This is always most welcome and we especially welcome Peter KC1HHO, John W1JWM and Paul KC1HHK.  Just remember making mistakes is not a bad thing.  It is how we all learn.  Fellow traffic handlers are glad to help.  So jump in, learn and get experience.  If it is ever called for you will be ready, and you can have fun in the process making friends. See you on the nets.
73, Marcia KW1U


WMTN C1 30 3 227 233 KD2JKV 146.91 10:00 Daily
WMTN C2 31 7 185 153 N1YCW 146.91 13:00 Daily
MARI 30 103 91 531 KW1U 3565 KHz 19:00 Daily
EM2MN 31 139 199 688 KC1CIC 145.23 20:00 Daily
CM2MN 23 20 129 212 KK1X 146.97 21:00 Daily
MARIPN 14 7 51 129 N1LAH 3978 KHz 18:00 Tu,Th,Sa
CITN 22 7 44 232 N1SYC 147.375 19:30 M,T,T, F,Sa
HHTN 18 31 67 214 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 22:00 Su,M,W,F
WMEN 4 0 113 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 08:30 Su
WARPSN 5 10 83 NA N1IQI 147.225 08:30 Su
KW1U 0 419 395 2 816 X
N1IQI 0 92 570 4 666 X
KC1CIC 0 79 61 21 161
N1TF 0 38 65 12 115
NV1N 0 21 66 0 87
W1RVY 0 33 41 1 75
N1LAH 0 29 25 5 59
N1SYC 0 19 25 7 51
W1PLK 0 6 5 5 16
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KC1CIC 40 40 30 20 0 20 150
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 20 10 130
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
N1SYC 40 40 20 20 0 0 120
N1TF 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
NV1N 39 40 10 0 0 0 89
KW1U 1137 1568 2705
N1IQI 92 570 662
KC1CIC 29 12 41
KC1EGK 0 10 10
W1RVY 0 1 1


I hope everyone is enjoying a good start to the new year despite the cold and low number of sun spots.  December turned out to be a good month traffic-wise. It seemed holiday messages increased over the past few years and that was nice to see.   This station continues to have issues with 80 meters and therefore not able to make evening HF nets but efforts continue to find a solution.  Thanks to all who are covering.  We in Eastern Mass are seeing some new folks checking into our local nets and handling traffic.  This is always most welcome and we especially welcome Peter KC1HHO, John W1JWM and Paul KC1HHK.  Just remember making mistakes is not a bad thing.  It is how we all learn.  Fellow traffic handlers are glad to help.  So jump in, learn and get experience.  If it is ever called for you will be ready, and you can have fun in the process making friends. See you on the nets.
73, Marcia KW1U


WMTN C1 30 3 227 233 KD2JKV 146.91 10:00 Daily
WMTN C2 31 7 185 153 N1YCW 146.91 13:00 Daily
MARI 30 103 91 531 KW1U 3565 KHz 19:00 Daily
EM2MN 31 139 199 688 KC1CIC 145.23 20:00 Daily
CM2MN 23 20 129 212 KK1X 146.97 21:00 Daily
MARIPN 14 7 51 129 N1LAH 3978 KHz 18:00 Tu,Th,Sa
CITN 22 7 44 232 N1SYC 147.375 19:30 M,T,T, F,Sa
HHTN 18 31 67 214 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 22:00 Su,M,W,F
WMEN 4 0 113 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 08:30 Su
WARPSN 5 10 83 NA N1IQI 147.225 08:30 Su
KW1U 0 419 395 2 816 X  
N1IQI 0 92 570 4 666 X  
KC1CIC 0 79 61 21 161    
N1TF 0 38 65 12 115    
NV1N 0 21 66 0 87    
W1RVY 0 33 41 1 75    
N1LAH 0 29 25 5 59    
N1SYC 0 19 25 7 51    
W1PLK 0 6 5 5 16    
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KC1CIC 40 40 30 20 0 20 150
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 20 10 130
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
N1SYC 40 40 20 20 0 0 120
N1TF 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
NV1N 39 40 10 0 0 0 89
KW1U 1137 1568 2705        
N1IQI 92 570 662        
KC1CIC 29 12 41        
KC1EGK 0 10 10        
W1RVY 0 1 1        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED            
MARCIA KW1U STM              



Holiday greetings to all. It has been a busy time on the nets in December.  There has been a lot of activity and the nets and the digital network have been bustling.  It has been fun to see all the activity, and I wish to thank each one of you for your participation and support. I hope the new year brings good things and good times to all.

Just an FYI to those CW folks.  The MARI CW net has an alternate frequency on 160 meters of 1810 Khz.  Conditions on 80 meters have often made communication within the section impossible.  Net Control stations have been advised to begin calling on 3565 Khz, but if not hearing or copying anyone there to move to 1810 Khz.  Five of our regulars have 160 meter capability and others are encouraged to try this band if feasible.

Below is the November traffic report, with the usual many thanks to KC1CIC for it’s compilation.  Good job all.

73, Marcia KW1U STM EMA/WMA


EM2MN 30 105 189 591 KC1CIC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 39 42 184 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
WARPSN 4 8 59 NA N1IQI 147.225 8:30AM Su
HHTN 17 16 52 171 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 21 9 49 244 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM M,T,T, F,Sa
MARI 30 77 99 454 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 20 6 106 169 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 30 5 252 207 KD2JKV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 29 6 178 170 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 2 1 50 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
KW1U 0 281 284 0 565 X  
N1IQI 0 45 320 0 365    
KC1CIC 0 58 38 17 113    
N1TF 1 38 52 3 94    
NV1N 1 15 54 2 72    
N1LAH 0 32 25 7 64    
W1RVY 0 29 29 2 60    
N1SYC 1 10 18 2 31    
W1PLK 0 7 7 4 18    
AC7RB 0 0 6 0 6    
PSHR (Min 70 Points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KC1CIC 40 40 30 20 0 20 150
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
N1TF 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1SYC 40 31 20 15 0 0 106
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LAH 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
NV1N 35 40 10 0 0 0 85
K1BML 27 0 10 0 0 0 37
KW1U 944 1442 2386        
N1IQI 45 320 365        
KC1CIC 0 17 17        
KC1EGK 5 5 10        
W1RVY 2 6 8        
BPL = 500 POINTS EARNED