Bob Salow, WA1IDA writes:
I know we get a lot of requests at this time of year, but this is like no other. We have been asked to support 5K and 10K races inside and outside Gillette Stadium in Foxboro. This is part of a big pre-Independence Day celebration to which the public is invited. The date is Tuesday, 3 July, starting (for us) about 1700.
Obviously, time is short and ham recruiting is problematic. Your assistance is needed. Please respond ASAP. A hand-held dual band radio with a good antenna and charged batteries should do the job.
The sponsor is Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. Our support will be for both concurrent races starting just outside the stadium. The 5K goes around the property and up and down the various ramps. The 10K course hits the streets of the town. Both race courses finish at the 50 yard line on the field.
The stadium ramps and the streets can be hazardous so our observations and reporting are important. There will be medical monitors and water stations along the courses. Note that the start late in the day will help lower the temperature for the runners.
Families and friends are invited to watch the runners. As the sky gets darker there will be a spectacular fireworks display which can be seen from the Patriot Place areas. Free parking will be provided for hams and other volunteers.
Because of the complexities of the two courses, we have been asked to staff many positions. If you can encourage other hams and your club to volunteer, we can show this new venue our skills and help protect the runners.
Let’s make a good showing for this very special event. I will provide specific assignments and further details as we get closer to the date. Let me know if you can help on Tuesday, 3 July as soon as you can. Ask other volunteers to also send me an email. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
All volunteers must send me the following info:
~ Full name
~ Name on the air
~ Call sign
~ Email address
~ Postal address
~ Home phone
~ Cell phone
~ Dual band radio?
~ Shirt size
Thanks and 73,
Bob Salow, WA1IDA