Boxboro Hamfest/New England ARRL Division Convention 2012 Features ARES/RACES/SKYWARN Booth/Presentations

Hello to all..

The Boxboro Hamfest and New England ARRL Division Convention will be held Friday August 24th-26th, 2012 at the Holiday Inn in Boxboro Massachusetts. General information on the Hamfest/Convention including the complete forum program, schedule, dinners, vendors and other events can be seen via the following link:

There will be a RACES/ARES/SKYWARN booth at the Boxboro Hamfest/New England Division Convention staffed by Eastern Massachusetts ARES, RACES, SKYWARN personnel who can answer questions on the various EMCOMM programs in Massachusetts and direct folks within the New England Division to resources within their section. Please stop by and visit the booth during the convention/hamfest. Sign-ups for ARES and SKYWARN and various email lists will be taken at the booth throughout the convention timeframe. Additional booths by other organizations will be present and see for more information.

The Hamfest and New England Division Convention will feature the following in regards to SKYWARN/ARES/RACES/MARS/EMCOMM related items:

-SKYWARN Training on Friday August 24th, 2012 from 1-4 PM in the Cotillion Room at the Holiday Inn in Boxboro. The session is open to anyone wishing to receive SKYWARN training and will count for full training class credit.

Emergency Communications/SKYWARN Presentations on Saturday August 25th, 2012 in the Seminar Conference Room:

-MA Interoperable Program Mike Neilsen – W1MPN from 9 AM-10 AM

-9/11 – A 10 Year Retrospective Steve Schwarm – W3EVE from 10 AM-11 AM

-SKYWARN Overview presented by Rob Macedo-KD1CY from 11 AM-Noon.

-ARES SEC (Section Emergency Coordinator) Forum moderated/presented by Rob Macedo-KD1CY with representation from various ARES Section Emergency Coordinators and their designees Noon-1 PM.

It is also noted that at the Boxboro Banquet on Saturday Evening August 25th, Connecticut TV Meteorologist Geoff Fox-K1GF will be the guest speaker.

Emeregency Communications Presentations on Sunday August 26th, 2012:

-Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines MARS Joint Meeting moderated by Bob Veth-K1RJV/NNN0FCC in the Cotillion Conference Room from 10 AM-Noon. Open to all Amateur Radio Operators

Once again, a complete forum schedule, vendors and other information on the Boxboro Hamfest/New England Division Convention are available via their web site at

We look forward to seeing many folks at the convention!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator     
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

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