On-line Technician Course Offered

Chris Johnson, N1IR has announced the launch of a no-cost, online Technician Class course. It can be found at http://www.n1ir.com/p/n1ir-tech-course.html. According to N1IR, “In as little as 20 minutes a day for 20 days, you can pass the FCC Technician Element 2 Examination.”

“Each day there is a two-part video series,” says Johnson, who serves as Education Officer for the Genesis Amateur Radio Society. “The first part is on specific sub-element theory and the second video covers all the questions and answers of the sub-element you are studying for that day. After watching the videos for that day all the student have homework assignment for the day and quiz for that days class. An on-line webinar will be available to ask questions and offer guidance for the course. A list of webinar dates will be posted on top of the N1IR tech course page.”

Questions about the course can be directed to Johnson at n1ir@arrl.net.

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