Tom Frenaye, K1KI writes:
Hope you’ll spend some time operating in the New England QSO Party this weekend!
We’re trying to make sure that we have a lot of activity and it looks like all 67 counties in New England will be active.
As a bonus, there are several stations who will be active from National Parks on the Air locations.
Basic rules:
Date: First full weekend of May (May 7-8, 2016)
Contest Period: 2000Z Saturday until 0500Z Sunday (4pm EDT Saturday until 1am EDT Sunday) and 1300Z Sunday until 2400Z Sunday (9am EDT Sunday until 8pm EDT Sunday).
Categories: Single-operator high power, low power(150w or less) and QRP(5w or less) categories, plus multi-operator, single transmitter. Same four categories for mobiles.
Contest Exchange: Send signal report and state/province (DX stations send signal report and “DX”). New England stations send signal report, county and state. You can find the full rules at http://neqp.org/rules.html. We have 40+ plaques to offer to top scorers.
So far there are eight mobiles who will be out on the road, and another five who may also be enjoying the bumpy back roads of New England.
A list of stations who plan to be active is at http://neqp.org/ryc.html.
Come have fun with us!