Upcoming Events!

Hello to all from your EMA ARES SEC.

There are a number of activities coming up in the next few weeks so I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of them.

1) Our neighbors in NH are having a SET exercise on November 5th from 0800-1300 and are interested in out of area stations on HF, and VHF/UHF if you can reach them to simulate ARESMAT activities.
Details: http://ares.ema.arrl.org/node/733
ARES NH web site: http://www.nh-ares.org/

2) Our military counterparts, MARS, will be having an exercise from 10/30 – 11/1.
Details: http://ares.ema.arrl.org/node/734
Webinar (11/25 2000 ET): https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4300481724544982273
Facebook Event for Webinar: https://www.facebook.com/events/111916665942194/

3) During the NH ARES SET the Eastern MA hospital net will be happening at its usual time on 11/5 at 1000. Details will be posted on these lists.

4) The monthly ARES net on the MMRA system will be on 11/7 at 2030. We will be continuning our added traffic passing of infrastructure reports (including all okay reports) and ATIS/aviation weather data relayed from stations that can hear their local airport weather stations over RF. This information will be relayed to MARS and Skywarn as a practice of passing situational awareness traffic. More details will be in the ARES Net reminder, or see last months ARES net reminder.

Thank you.
Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG

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