Harvard Wireless Club Symposium, April 29, 2017

Harvard Wireless Club logoBenjamin Lee, K7JS writes on BARC-list:

On April 29th from 9 am to 5 pm, the Harvard Wireless Club will be hosting the Harvard Amateur Radio Symposium on campus. We will have a variety of interesting speakers from around the world on topics ranging from the technical to the historical to the social. All are welcome at this exciting meeting! The event is free but a donation is humbly requested in order to help us put this event on for the public.

RSVP is required here http://tiny.cc/hwc2017.

I’ve attached the flyer and hope to see as many of you there as possible!


Benjamin Lee, K7JS
Harvard Wireless Club, W1AF

PS: If you’re still not convinced, there’ll be an ice cream break generously donated by JP Licks!

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