Brett Smith, AB1RL writes:
Throughout the year, the National MS Society organizes walks to raise funds for multiple sclerosis research and patient advocacy. The Boston-area walks have long relied on hams to help ensure everyone’s safety.
This year’s MS Walk Boston is on Sunday, April 8th. It starts and ends at Boston University’s Nickerson Field in Boston, and runs along the Commonwealth Ave and Charles River. Volunteers will check in at 8:00 AM, and stay until the early afternoon. Lunch is available at the finish.
Rick Savage, KB1LYJ, is organizing the hams for this event. To volunteer, please write him with the following information:
- Your call sign, full name, and name you prefer on the air
- Contact information: your e-mail address and phone numbers where you can be reached (cell, home, office)
- Your shirt size
- The transmit band(s) of your radio(s), and other equipment you could bring
- Do you have any needs or requests we should consider when making your assignment?
In addition to contacting Rick all volunteers must register online. This is a requirement of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Rick can also answer any questions you have about the event.
Thanks for volunteering, and 73,