Brian Gudzevich, WO1VES writes on the NSRA mailing list:
This is for all the Fusion radio owners out there, as well as some DMR and Echolink users. I am starting a new monthly Fusion net on the last Friday of every month at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. The first net will be this Friday, April 27th. It will be based on the main repeater of the Wolf Pack Repeater System, the 147.075 WA1RHN repeater in Stoneham, Mass.
The net will be called the New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net. This will be a New England centric net, and will cover topics of interest to operators living in the region. I’m also going to offer a question and answer portion to help operators get the most out of their Fusion radios.
The following radios made by Yaesu are Fusion capable: FTM-100, FTM-400, FT-1D, FT-1XD, FT-2D, FT-70, FTM-3200, FTM-3207, FTM-7250, FT-991, and FT-991A. If you have one of these models, you can get into the net through any of the links. You can also access with a DMR radio and a SharkRF OpenSpot.
The net will take place on the Wolf Pack Network, which in addition to the main repeater in Stoneham, offers links through Wires-X, YSF Reflectors, and Echolink. Here are the current linking options:
1) If you have a Fusion radio and you are within range of the 147.075 repeater, you can come in direct to the net. There is nothing special needed to access the repeater.
2) With a Fusion radio, and access to another linked Fusion repeater, or a Fusion node working with the Yaesu HRI-200. You can connect with Wires-X to room 28941, called Wolf-Den.
3) A Fusion radio and a hotspot, such as a SharkRF OpenSpot, DV4Mini, ZUMSpot, etc. These can connect to YSF Reflectors.. In there, you will find a reflector called “US WolfDen”. This is full time connected to the Stoneham Repeater, and will be connected for the net.
4) DMR Radio operators with a SharkRF OpenSpot can connect to the YSF Reflector “US WolfDen”. If you need help setting that up, let me know.
5) If you don’t have a Fusion radio yet, but wish to check out the net, Echolink is available. Just look for “WO1VES/R” node 813502. There is currently a limit of 4 connections.
If you know anyone in New England with a Fusion repeater or Node, please encourage them to link in for the net. The more users from New England, the better. Any repeaters that I can confirm will be connected for the net, I will list on the Wolf Pack website at