Barbara Dougan, N1NS writes:
Hello amateur radio operators and friends,
On May 31, 2018 at 10 am, you are invited to a meet and greet with Marconi’s daughter, Princess Elettra Marconi at Cape Cod National Seashore. The plan is to arrive about 10 am and gather to stand along the entrance walkway when the Princess arrives about 10:30 am (or indoors if the weather is bad).
Location: Cape Cod National Seashore’s Headquarters Building
99 Marconi Site Rd, Wellfleet, MA 02667
Princess Marconi is now 86 years young, this may be one of her last visits to Cape Cod National Seashore. I hope you will join us in welcoming her and honoring her father’s contributions to wireless.
After the meet and greet at the headquarters’ building (estimated 45 minutes), you are welcome to travel to the historic Marconi Site about 1 mile from the headquarters building. The Princess and her party will join us there.
There will be a photo shoot opportunity, but at this time I am not sure if it will be at the Headquarters building or at the historic station site or both.
KM1CC/Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club and the Greater Orleans Amateur Radio Club plan to set up an HF radio station on the platform at the Wireless Station Site so the Princess can make a scheduled two way contact. Hopefully, this contact will be with the SONRA Club- Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs in St John’s Newfoundland, the site where Marconi received the letter “S” on December 12, 1901 from his Poldhu station.
No reservations required. Please share this invitation on club websites or by email.
For more information contact Barbara Dougan N1NS/KM1CC trustee at km1cc.capecod@gmail.com