Tag: #museum-station
KM1CC On the Air for the 118th Anniversary of the First USA-UK Wireless Transmission, January 18, 2021

New England Wireless & Steam Museum Yankee Steam-up Special Events Operation

A special events operation from the New England Wireless and Steam Museum’s Yankee Steam-up will take place on October 3, 2020 from 1300-2000Z. Look for N1EPJ on the following frequencies: 3.558, 14.058, 7.25, 14.258. QSL to: Massie Wireless Club, N1EPJ, PO Box 883, East Greenwich, RI 02818.
From the N1EPJ QRZ page:
The station was built in Point Judith, Rhode Island, in 1907 and is the oldest surviving working wireless station in the world. It is now part of the New England Wireless and Steam Museum.
The Massie Wireless Station provided communications to steamboats that traveled between New York City and New England cities. In 1983 the wireless station was moved to the New England Wireless and Steam Museum at 1300 Frenchtown Road in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, to avoid demolition. The wireless station was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2001.
The Massie Wireless Station is in the process of being re-activated with its new callsign, N1EPJ. The new callsign itself is significant as the station’s original callsign was “PJ” (Point Judith), which became the station’s nickname.
From www.newsm.org:
Yankee Steam-Up 2020 will be held on Saturday, October 3, 2020. Due to Covid-19 concerns, Steam-Up will be exclusively on our YouTube channel this year. We’d prefer to see you all in person, but we do hope this allows enthusiasts from all over the world access our wonderful collection for the first time.
We’ll be posting new videos leading up to October 3rd. Watch below or visit the museum’s YouTube channel. Please like and share with your friends. Check back often for more information or send us a message letting us know what you’d most like to see. Contact us.
International Marconi Day 2020 Cancelled
From ARRL Web:
The annual International Marconi Day (IMD) ham radio operating event that was set to take place on April 25 has been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. The 24-hour amateur radio event celebrates the birth of Marconi on April 25, 1874. Sponsored by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, which operates as GB4IMD, International Marconi Day features participating stations operating at sites having a personal connection to Marconi, including places where he set up transmitting and receiving stations.
Given the fact that the National Seashore is closed to the public, a “Marconi Event” on April 25 had been planned from the home of Barry, KB1TLE, along with several other home stations. -thanks, Falmouth ARA
KM1CC to Commemorate Marconi’s First Transatlantic Wireless Transmission

Special Event Station W1MGY to Commemorate 104th Anniversary of HMS Titanic Sinking

Special events station W1MGY will operate at the old Coast Guard Station in Eastham on Cape Cod on April 13-14, 2019 to commemorate the tragic loss of the HMS Titanic.
- Saturday April 13, 6:30 am- 10:00 am ; 10:00 am- 2:00 pm ; 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm ; 6:00 pm- 10:00 pm (No operation over night)
- Sunday April 14, 6:30 am – 10:00 am ; 10:00 am- 2:00 pm ; 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm ; 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm ; 10:00 pm – 1:27 am on 15th
This event is sponsored by the Titanic / Marconi Memorial Radio Association of Cape Cod and hosted by the Cape Cod National Seashore.
(Info via KB1TLR, W1MGY trustee, and Falmouth ARA)
WCC Amateur Radio Association Active in Maritime Radio Day, April 14-15, 2019
The WCC Amateur Radio Association (WA1WCC) will be QRV for Maritime Radio Day, from 1200 UTC April 14 to 2200 UTC April 15. According to the club’s web site, “multiple ex-WCC and USCG radio operators will be on the air at WCC.”
KM1CC Marconi Birthday Special Event Operation, April 26-27, 2019
Bill Kretschmer, N2KNL, writes on Facebook:
Hello fellow KM1CC friends:
We are seven weeks away from the next Marconi radio event celebrating Guglielmo Marconi’s birthday, April 25, 1874. The event will be held at the Cape Cod National Seashore, Coast Guard Station, Eastham, on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Visiting hours are 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Operating hours are Sat. 0000 UTC thru 2359 UTC. (8:00 PM Friday until 8:00 PM Saturday).
Proposed Operating Frequencies are.
80M …3.660-3.860 SSB / 3.535 CW
40M …7.130-7.260 SSB / 7.035 CW
30M …10.110 CW
20M …14.260 SSB / 14.035 CW
17M …18.160 SSB / 18.080 CW
15M …21.360 SSB / 21.035 CW
DMR …2 Meter Digital FM 4FSK , ID: 3125281
… and maybe FT8.
There will be an Extra class-licensed operator present for the entire on-air event. Most or all SSB contacts will be in the General class portions of the HF bands.
All are welcome to attend.
73, Bill Kretschmer, N2KNL
KM1CC Trustee
WCC ARA Celebrates RCA Centennial
The WCC Amateur Radio Association (WA1WCC) in Chatham will celebrate the centennial of the Radio Corporation of America throughout 2019. According to the organization’s web site, RCA was incorporated on October 17, 1919.
“In November 1919, RCA acquired the assets of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America, which then ceased doing business in the US. At the outset, RCA consisted of only five radio stations, in various stages of completion, and Chatham was one of them. Chatham would later become RCA’s flagship coastal station WCC, known as “Marine Radio Central”.
WA1WCC is commemorating the founding of RCA in a year-long celebration. Watch for WA1WCC/100RCA on the bands during 2019. Participants can request the RCA Special Event Certificate.
For additional information, visit https://www.qrz.com/db/wa1wcc.
N1Y / USS Cassin Young 75th Anniversary Special Events Operation, October 20-21, 2018
Pi Pugh, K1RV, Mike Rioux, W1USN, along with other members of the USS Cassin Young Radio Club will activate the USS Cassin Young as N1Y from 0900-1600 ET at the Boston National Historical Park on October 20-21, 2018.
K1RV will be on CW using his KX3/KPA100 rig and one of the existing shipboard verticals. CW operation will be primarily on 14.050 and 7.050 MHz. SSB operation will occur on 14.250 and 7.225 MHz.
This event is held in conjunction with the National Park Service and US Navy to recognize the 75th Anniversary of the Commissioning of the USS Cassin Young DD 793, a World War II Fletcher-class destroyer, and the birthday of the United States Navy. The USS Cassin Young is located at the Boston National Historical Park (HP-04) in Charlestown, MA.
Titanic Marconi Club to Activate Stage Harbor Light for National Lighthouse Day, August 7, 2018
The Titanic Marconi Memorial Radio Association Of Cape Cod (W1MGY) plans to operate from the Stage Harbor Light in Chatham during National Lighthouse Day on August 7, 2018, according to the club’s QRZ page. “[Stage Harbor Light is] privately owned … we have received permission to operate from.”
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend, ILLW began in 1998 as the Scottish Northern Lights Award sponsored by the Ayr Amateur Radio Group. ILLW is a popular Amateur Radio event that takes place on the third full weekend in August each year. It attracts over 500 lighthouse entries in over 40 countries.
W1NAS to Host Snow Goose Flight 60th Anniversary Special Event Operation, August 18, 2018
The Shea Naval Air Museum Amateur Radio Club (W1NAS) will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the flight of the blimp Snow Goose with a special event operation on Saturday, August 18, 2018, from 0900-1500 EDT. They will operate on 14.250 and 7.250, but may change depending on band conditions. The Snow Goose flew from NAS South Weymouth to Resolute Bay while the submarine USS Nautilus cruised under the polar ice cap.
The Shea Naval Aviation Museum was formed by veterans who were stationed at the former South Weymouth Naval Air Station. The Shea Naval Aviation Museum Amateur Radio Club was born of out joint participation between the Museum and the K1USN Radio Club. Its first club license was obtained in March, 2015, and the current call, W1NAS, was assigned on April 10, 2015. The call sign “represents the use of the facility for more than 55 years as a U.S. Naval Air Station, first as a blimp base, and later as the home of numerous fixed-wing and rotary-wing squadrons.”
[See also: https://ema.arrl.org/2017/08/20/snow-goose-special-event-operation-so-weymouth-august-20-2017/]New England Wireless and Steam Museum Hours, Summer 2018

Looking for a great field trip for your family or radio club? The New England Wireless and Steam Museum in East Greenwich, Rhode Island will be open three Saturday mornings this summer from 9 AM til 12 noon, according to its website. The museum bills itself as “an electrical and mechanical engineering museum emphasizing the beginnings of radio and steam power, and honoring engineers who achieved greatness and served the public good by analyzing and solving tough engineering problems.”
Visitors are welcome to come on June 16, July 21, and August 25 and tour the wireless and steam exhibits and the Massie Station. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for students, and free for children age 6 and under. Proceeds support museum programs. The museum staff invite advance notice but walk-ins are also welcome.
The radio exhibit features equipment from a variety of manufacturers, including: Atwater Kent, Marconi, RCA, Siemens Luftwaffe, and Westinghouse.
Special museum visits may be arranged on Thursdays between 9 AM and 12 noon. The New England Wireless and Steam Museum is entirely volunteer. “Our efforts are mainly directed to hosting scheduled groups such as school classes, engineering societies, club or association meetings.”
The New England Wireless and Steam Museum is located at 1300 Frenchtown Rd, East Greenwich, Rhode Island.
Commemorative Marconi Radio Contact with Newfoundland Planned, May 31, 2018
Barbara Dugan, N1NS writes on May 29, 2018:
Contact is scheduled for 1145 local BOSTON time which is 1545 UTC time.
Sorry for my mistake. My iphone was giving me London time- wrong setting, needed UTC time. London is UTC plus 1.

A two-way amateur radio contact with the Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs (SONRA) VO1AA in St. Johns, Canada is planned during the upcoming visit of Princess Elettra Marconi to station KM1CC and the Cape Cod National Seashore on May 31, 2018.
[See: Invitation to Meet and Greet Marconi’s daughter, Princess Elettra Marconi, May 31, 2018].
“Signal Hill in St. John’s, Newfoundland is where Guglielmo Marconi received the letter ‘S’ from his Poldhu Station in 1901 in the U.K. by flying a kite antenna,” according to Barbara Dugan, N1NS. Dugan is trustee of the Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club (KM1CC) and a National Park Service employee.
VO1AA and KM1CC will try to make contact on 14.224 MHz USB +/- between 1645-1700 1545-1600 UTC. “The Princess could be behind schedule, so we must be flexible,” adds N1NS.
Amateurs and SWLers are invited to listen on the frequency at those times for the commemorative QSO featuring the Princess. Chris Hillier, VO1IDX will serve as the net control so SONRA members can call in to the Princess. Someone from KM1CC will stay on the air with VO1AA should the Princess need to depart; afterwards, KM1CC will take calls from anyone who wishes to contact them in grid square FN51.
Their Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs Facebook page is at: https://www.facebook.com/sonranfld/.
Chatham Marconi Maritime Center Distinguished Speaker Series, May 31, 2018
The Chatham Marconi Maritime Center Ed Fouhy Distinguished Speaker Series will feature, “History of Marconi Innovation on Cape Cod and in Italy” on May 31, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Monomoy Regional Middle School Auditorium, 425 Crowell Road, Chatham. The evening will feature four presenters along with special guest Princess Elettra Marconi, daughter of the famous wireless pioneer Guglielmo Marconi.
See accompanying flyer for more information.
[See also: Invitation to Meet and Greet Marconi’s daughter, Princess Elettra Marconi, May 31, 2018]Invitation to Meet and Greet Marconi’s daughter, Princess Elettra Marconi, May 31, 2018

Barbara Dougan, N1NS writes:
Hello amateur radio operators and friends,
On May 31, 2018 at 10 am, you are invited to a meet and greet with Marconi’s daughter, Princess Elettra Marconi at Cape Cod National Seashore. The plan is to arrive about 10 am and gather to stand along the entrance walkway when the Princess arrives about 10:30 am (or indoors if the weather is bad).
Location: Cape Cod National Seashore’s Headquarters Building
99 Marconi Site Rd, Wellfleet, MA 02667
Princess Marconi is now 86 years young, this may be one of her last visits to Cape Cod National Seashore. I hope you will join us in welcoming her and honoring her father’s contributions to wireless.
After the meet and greet at the headquarters’ building (estimated 45 minutes), you are welcome to travel to the historic Marconi Site about 1 mile from the headquarters building. The Princess and her party will join us there.
There will be a photo shoot opportunity, but at this time I am not sure if it will be at the Headquarters building or at the historic station site or both.
KM1CC/Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club and the Greater Orleans Amateur Radio Club plan to set up an HF radio station on the platform at the Wireless Station Site so the Princess can make a scheduled two way contact. Hopefully, this contact will be with the SONRA Club- Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs in St John’s Newfoundland, the site where Marconi received the letter “S” on December 12, 1901 from his Poldhu station.
No reservations required. Please share this invitation on club websites or by email.
For more information contact Barbara Dougan N1NS/KM1CC trustee at km1cc.capecod@gmail.com
KM1CC QRV For International Marconi Day, April 21, 2018
KM1CC will be on the air for International Marconi Day (IMD), April 21 0000 UTC-2359 UTC. IMD celebrates the role Guglielmo Marconi played in the invention of radio and is a 24-hour Amateur Radio event that is held annually to celebrate the birth of Marconi April 25, 1874. The event is usually held on the Saturday closest to Marconi’s birthday. KM1CC represents Marconi ‘s1901 Wireless Station, South Wellfleet, located in Cape Cod National Seashore, a unit of the US National Park Service.
Proposed Frequency plan +-
- 15 M 21.360 SSB 21.035 CW
- 17M 18.160 SSB 18.080 CW
- 40M 7.130-7.260 SSB 7.035 CW
- 30 M 10.110 CW
- 20M 14.260 SSB 14.035 CW
- 80M 3.660-3.860 SSB 3.535 CW
- DMR 2 M Digital FM 4FSK ID: 3125281 and maybe FT8
KM1CC’s IMD event operations are open to the public between 10 AM and 3 PM on April 21. Our temporary location will be at 2 Ocean View Drive, Eastham, MA USA 02651 (FN51)
To QSL KM1CC an SASE is required from all USA stations; DX contacts may use the bureau.
KM1CC, Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club
Cape Cod National Seashore
99 Marconi Site Rd
Wellfleet MA 02667
The KM1CC QSL card measures 3.5 inches x 5.5 inches, so any larger envelope size works.
Please do not send KM1CC QSL card requests to N1NS, W1AA, K1VV, or K1RV.
Digital: You may QSL via Logbook Of The World.
WA1WCC Maritime Day Commemorative Operation, April 14-15, 2018
The WCC Amateur Radio Association will commemorate Maritime Day with a special event operation. WA1WCC will be operating on the bands April 14-15, 2018, staffed by former WCC and Coast Guard operators working from the Chatham Radio / WCC Operating Building. See https://www.qrz.com/db/wa1wcc#mrd2018 for additional information.
KM1CC FN51 Grid Square Operation, Jan. 18-19, 2018
The Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club station, KM1CC will be activated from rare grid square FN51 on Cape Cod National Seashore on Jan. 18-19, 2018.
K1RV reports that he, N1NS, N1DC, N1VH and K1WCC along with others will be QRV on all of the HF bands using CW and SSB. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook Of The World. The operation will coincide with ARRL’s 2018 International Grid Square Chase.
KM1CC’s temporary location for the operation will be the Coast Guard Building on Coast Guard Beach in Eastham. Coast Guard Beach is often cited by “Dr. Beach” as one of the ten best beaches in the the USA. The station was built in 1936 for the US Coast Guard. It was used for shipwreck rescues- small boats were launched from the beach until helicopter rescues became the norm. The building’s ownership was transferred from the US Coast Guard to the National Park Service in the early 1950’s. It served as the first headquarters for Cape Cod National Seashore. It is now used as an education center.
–Thanks, “Pi” K1RV
[see also: Announcing: The ARRL International Grid Chase!]