Fox Placed in South Chelmsford, May 26, 2018

John Salmi, KB1MGI writes on the Foxhunting mailing list:

I have placed a 2 Meter 146.565 DTMF Tone 2 to activate in South Chelmsford at the Red Wing Farm Conservation [Area] at 17 Maple Road.

No bushwacking needed to find. Only one way in to get to the Fox Box. It is clear to walk into box location.

One Comment on “Fox Placed in South Chelmsford, May 26, 2018”

  1. John Salmi, KB1MGI writes at 12:11 PM on May 26:

    1st to find was K1IG George 25 minutes to find.. George reports ( Reflection City )

    2nd to find was KC1DKY Nick 55 minutes to find with Skyler.

    3rd to find was KD1D Alan 25 minutes to find.

    Congrats to all.

    John KB1MGI

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