Ride to Defeat ALS, Volunteers Needed, September 23, 2018

David Wolfe, KG1H writes:

The Worcester Emergency Communications Team is looking for volunteers on Sunday 9/23/18 for the Ride to  Defeat  ALS.  This is a low key event with the primary focus being on charity rather than racing.  

The 70 mile bicycle course begins at the Longfellow club in Wayland and continues through several towns with rest stops in Hudson, Bolton, Acton, Concord, and Sudbury.  While the race runs from 6AM to 3PM, some stations open as late as 9AM and some close as early as 11AM.  

Operators working at a course station can report directly to their station.  Lunch is provided for operators in Wayland.  There will be two roving race vehicles that will require a mobile radio.  We will have both 2m and 70cm repeaters linked for this event. 

If you are available, please reply to  nb1h@wect.org and indicate if you are able to provide a mobile radio for a roving assignment, and indicate your location and what hours you are available.  I will attempt to locate you at a station closer to your home if possible.

Ben NB1H
Worcester Emergency Communications Team

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