Buzzards Bay Triathlon, September 16, 2018, Request for Amateur Radio Support

Rob Macedo, KD1CY, writes on the SEMARA list:
There has been a request for Amateur Radio support for the Buzzards Bay Triathlon on Sunday 9/16/18. This event has been supported in the past by a few amateur operators in the area but not in the last couple of years. The total need is for ten amateurs. A group in Western Massachusetts who deals with the organizer of this event and others in Western Massachusetts has about four hams committed and the need is for ten. Are there any local amateurs interested in supporting this event? Details are below from Matt Brennan, NM1B, and you can reply to me off list and copy the email address Matt lists below if you’re interested.
From: Matt Brennan, NM1B
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 11:51 AM
To: Events Team
Subject: Buzzards Bay Triathlon – Sunday, 9/16/18 – Westport, MA


Hi All,

 Max Performance has asked us if we’d be able to provide communications assistance to the Buzzards Bay Triathlon this Sunday in Westport, MA. The start time is 9 AM, so we would be meeting around 8 AM. We are trying to gauge interest as to whether or not we’d be able to assist with this event. 

 This is their final triathlon of the season. They have not had ham support at it for the last couple years. 

 More information on the race can be found here:

 Please let know if you’d be able and willing to assist this Sunday. 

Thanks and 73,

-Matt, NM1B

Petitions to Keep WWV, WWVH On the Air

WWV QSL CardTony Fiore, K1AMF, writes on the YCCC reflector:

Two petitions have been started on the White House’s “We the People” petition site calling for restoration of funding for these two essential radio stations. Each needs at least 100,000 electronic signatures by mid-September to generate a response from the White House.

The petitions can be found at:



Harvard Wireless Club Table at Student Involvement Fair, September 7, 2018

Harvard Wireless Club official shieldThe Harvard Wireless Club will participate in the Harvard Student Involvement Fair on Friday, September 7, 2018 at Tercentenary Theater in Harvard Yard, Cambridge.

“We will be at Table 719. Just look for the Alex Loop antenna on the 19-foot tripod, which is usually the tallest thing at the fair,” remarks W1AF station manager Bill Collins, W1PL.  Bill is requesting HWC members come by and help recruit new people. The crew will conduct talk-in on the MIT repeater, 449.725/444.725 -, PL 114.8. 

The first meeting of the Harvard Wireless Club will be held on Tuesday, September 11 at 6 PM. Adds W1PL, “We will have free pizza. Hopefully,  new recruits will be there.”

Volunteers Sought for Baystate Marathon, Sunday October 21, 2018

Terry Stader, KA8SCP, writes on the PART of Westford listserv:

The Lowell CERT Communications Team has been asked to support once again the Baystate Marathon and Half Marathon. This year the event is on Sunday, October 21th. Our operational time period is from approximately 0700 until event completion (estimated 1400). Our assistance has been requested by Lowell Office of Emergency Management and Lowell Fire Department. The communications team will be employing Amateur Radio to provide this communications asset. Amateur Radio will be used for two functions:

  • Medical operations: the purpose of this net is to provide a communications link for medical requests/status to the incident command post.
  • Accountability net: the purpose of this net is to coordinate with a race public information booth the status of runners who are unable to complete the race for any issue to any one is seeking this information.

Race info may be found at

Please contact me if you are able to assist or would like more information.

Please share this request with your local clubs. This is a pretty laid back event and suitable for first time public event participation.

Jimmy Fund Walk, BAA Half Marathon Public Service Events

Brett Smith, AB1RL, Boston ARC Public Service Coordinator, writes:

We have two public service events lined up this fall, and you can sign up for both right now.

The first is the Jimmy Fund Walk on Sunday, September 23. This is the Jimmy Fund’s annual fundraising walk along the Boston Marathon route. There are positions available to work with a medical team at each rest stop along the route, so there’s a variety of locations and volunteer times available. To sign up, just e-mail me back to let me know, and I’ll add you to our roster. Let me know if you have any scheduling requirements or location requests—I can’t accommodate everyone but I’ll do my best.

The second is the BAA Half Marathon on Sunday, October 7. As usual for BAA events, we’ll work with medical teams at different points along the route to provide them with any necessary communication, including EMS dispatch requests if necessary. Volunteer registration for this event is on the BAA’s web site. Please register by September 12.

If you aren’t able to join us, you can still help out by spreading the word about these events. Both can use volunteers of any experience level. Feel free to share this email with your friends or clubs.

If you have questions about either event, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Meet-and-greet the Director Candidates at Boxboro

We are pleased pleased to announce a last-minute addition to the Boxboro program line-up!

At the conclusion of the Saturday afternoon forums, incumbent ARRL New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI, and challenger Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, will face off in the Cotillion Room beginning at 5:00 PM. (It will be friendly—we promise.)

In addition, we’ll open the cash bar early. Be sure to stop by, grab your favorite beverage, and listen to Tom and Fred articulate their respective visions for the ARRL. There will be ample time for questions and answers.

Oh yes—be sure to vote in the election this fall!


Zola Net Restarting

Matt Chao, N1IBB, writes on the Middlesex ARC list:

Now that summer’s officially gone (Labor Day), it’s time to resume our  activities for the rest of the year.  The first session of the Zola Net  for the other three seasons will be starting up tomorrow at 7 PM on the  Newton repeater (147.360, PL of 67 Hz.  The purpose of the Net is to give  both new and experienced hams the opportunity to participate in a  controlled Net environment.  The Net usually lasts for about half an hour.

Looking forward to hearing all of you on the Net tomorrow, weather  permitting.  (T-storms are forecast for tomorrow as a cold front comes  through). 

W1QSL Bureau Accepting Cards at Boxboro

assorted QSL cardsEric Williams, KV1J writes on the Yankee Clipper Contest Club reflector:

Next weekend we have a QSL Bureau booth at the Boxboro show.  Our booth will be next to the ARRL booth.

You can fund your Bureau account or get answers to your questions about the Bureau.

We will be accepting cards for the ARRL Outgoing Bureau at the booth. Please see the instructions on the ARRL web for sending your cards and the fee structures  There is also a simple form to submit with your cards.  See .

We are just collecting the cards for the ARRL so please give them to us with the funds etc as if you were mailing them to Newington.

Also, we will be hosting the DXCC card checkers.  You will need to do the application process online before the show.  There will be a checker at the booth both mornings from 9 AM to noon. You can also leave cards with us for checking Saturday afternoon and they will be checked Sunday morning.  You can authorize someone to pick them up Sunday or work with me for another way to get them back to you.

New 6-Meter Net in Barnstable

Falmouth Amateur Radio AssociationLarry Gray, W1IZZ, writes on the Falmouth ARA web site:

“Brian, W1HXN, has started a 6 meter net on the N1YHS 6M repeater in Barnstable. The repeater operates at 50 watts and is located in Barnstable village by the courthouse complex. The repeater is on 53.010, – 1MHz offset, PL tone is 173.8. The time-out timer is set for 180 seconds. 

“Brian set a date of 8/29/18 @ 7:00 pm as the 1st meeting of the 6M net. If you need to check your equipment before that time, Brian will try to monitor the repeater as much as he can. Thank everyone for showing an interest.  It is an open net, so everyone is welcome to check-in.”