Terry Stader, KA8SCP, writes on the PART-List:
Last night, Wed. May 8th, I had the privilege to speak to the Littleton Volunteer Corps at the Littleton Fire station to about 20 participants. This group will be serving as a team to work as CERT and MRC combined to support their community in various roles. Last night I spoke to them about the resource of Amateur Radio. Some of the attendees were hams, but most were not. Those not initially familiar became very interested and asked about what it takes to become a ham (Question: What does “ham” mean? was asked). Several of this team had been to SKYWARN training and learned how Amateur Radio and NWS work together in this program. We talked about ARES and RACES as well as the history of PART.
The take away from this meeting is a future evaluation and testing the communications challenges from several locations around the community. Down the road, maybe the group will do a drill or exercise to test their ability to provide services needed.
So, Littleton hams (and others too), we may be looking for some of your time to work with this team and even become a contributor to providing your skills in communications.