Minuteman Repeater Association at Northeast HamXposition, September 6-8, 2019

MMRA logoMinuteman Repeater Association writes:

As you may already know, MMRA will be hosting the talk-in at the Northeast HamXposition @Boxboro on September 6, 7, and 8.  We will also have a reception suite in the Boxwood room of the hotel where you can take a break and meet other members of the club.

Again this year, we be awarding door prizes – an Icom IC2730A dual band transceiver, a Yaesu FT65R dual band HT, and a ZumSpot USB Hotspot.  Anyone with a membership renewed through 2021 will have one chance in the drawing.  Additional tickets can be had by make a donation to MMRA: 1 ticket for each $2 donated, 3 for $5, 7 for $10.

MMRA will also have premium seating tables at both the Friday Dinner and Saturday Banquet.  Members can purchase seats for $35, which is $5 off the convention price.

To make a donation or order seats, please visit http://mmra.org/renew.html

For more information on the convention, please visit


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