Cape Cod radio amateurs participated in the seventh annual Falmouth Community Emergency Preparedness and Fire Prevention Fair at the Gus Canty Community Center, Falmouth, on September 21, 2019 from 10 AM to 2 PM. The fair featured “more than 60 organizations and numerous children’s activities, including a Touch-A-Truck in the parking lot.”
Falmouth Hospital ARES (W1HQH) had a table prominently on display, staffed by Tom Wruk, KB1QCQ, Gene Bradeen, KX1C, and Frank O’Laughlin, WQ1O. “We set up some display kit gear and answered questions from the public on communications,” writes Cape and Islands District Emergency Coordinator WQ1O. “It was great to hook up with our friend, NWS Boston/Norton warning coordination meteorologist Glenn Field [KB1GHX].”