Members of New England Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society (STARS) held an antenna-raising party to erect an 80-meter antenna on Saturday, October 26, 2019. Members included: Ted, W1OG; Bill, N1WEN; Leandra, AF1R; Alex, KB1SSN; Stu, W1SHS; Barbara, KC1KGS; Dan, W1DAN; Jeremy, KB1REQ; Bob, K5TEC; and Kenneth, KC1AHI.
According to Sci-Tech’s Bob Phinney, K5TEC, “A lot of tree limbs had to be cleared to make room for antenna wires. Ted and Alex did most of the work from the bucket lift while the rest of us were ground crew. It was especially helpful to have Bill, Leandra, Alex, and Jeremy helping up to the end, after dark, with the flagpole. And to Alex for bravely running the bucket lift to the top of the flagpole in the dark. “
KB1REQ used the antenna to make contacts in the CQ World Wide contest and reports the antenna is working well.
According to Bob, the group still needs help in creating the spring and weight systems at the bottom “to allow for the swaying trees.” Bob also thanked KM1NDY for acquiring the antenna and coax.