Applications packages are now available for the Courage Kenny Handiham Radio Camp to be held July 21 – 28, 2020, at True Friends Camp Courage North in Lake George, Minnesota.
Enjoy a week of ham radio fun and learning. Make new friends while building an on-air community that continues after you leave Radio Camp. Get a first ham radio license or learn new operating skills. Keep abreast of the latest radio and assistive technology. Wireless internet access is available. Instructors are experienced amateur radio operators from throughout the nation and sometimes other countries as well. Trained camp staff members provide basic personal care assistance. Campers requiring more advanced personal care assistance will bring their own caregivers. And, we leave plenty of time to take a break from studying and enjoy traditional camp activities for both campers and caregivers.
For more information or to get added to the list for an application, please call Pemdy at 612-775-2291 or email her at:
April 15, 2020: Due to COVID-19, Radio Camp 2020 has been cancelled. Refunds are being processed for all applicants.