Frank Ventura, N1FMV, writes on the Middlesex ARC mailing list:
Dear all,
The next meeting of the Zola amateur radio group will be online only, no in person component.
Date: Saturday, May 23, 2020
Time: 11 AM to 1 PM Eastern
Our very special guest speaker will be Jim Shaffer, KE5AL, developer of JJ Radio and JJ Flex Radio. He will join us in speaking about the origins of the blind-friendly CAT software, JJRadio, to operate his Flex-Radio and field our questions. All are welcome for this month’s meeting. Please use to conference information below my signature.
For conference URL and password, contact Frank at frank.ventura -AT- littlebreezes -DOT- com.
Please join us every Thursday evening at 7PM Eastern for our weekly net. We can be found at 147.360 MHz with a PL of 67.0 Hz tone, or on Echolink at call sign W1LJO-R node number 462341.
Frank Ventura, N1FMV, writes on the Middlesex ARC mailing list:
For anyone who missed the meeting the audio link is below. The fun part starts about an hour into it when Jim takes control of my Flex HF rig here in Boston from his QTH is Texas: