Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the NE Mass Fox Hunters List at 12:33 PM on July 4, 2020:
Happy Fourth of July to all!
The fox is at the Mill Hill conservation land in Littleton. Frequency is 146.565 with a voice ID every 30 seconds.
No visible PI.
73, Barry – W1HFN
Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the NE Mass Fox Hunters List at 12:08 PM on July 8, 2020:
I retrieved the fox today, only one finder, Bob, W1FDR on 5th July.
73 to all,
Barry, W1HFN
Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the NE Mass Fox Hunters List at 3:53 PM on July 8, 2020:
My apologies to George, K1IG who also found the fox but on 6th July. The log was so water-logged (pun intended) that his entry only showed up after the log had dried a bit and I had made the original posting.
So much for water-tight sandwich baggies, from now on the log will be double bagged.
73 to all,
Barry – W1HFN