Bruce Blain, K1BG, writes in the NVARC Signals January, 2021 newsletter:
It’s been over 20 years since [the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club] last conducted license classes. Recently, I held technician level classes with the help of Skip, K1NKR. We had eight sessions over a four-week period. Of the seven students who started, four finished. These are: Rachel Schmoyer, KC1OHY, of Harvard, MA; Matt Denaro, KC1OHA, of Nashua; Gio Girasoli, KC1OIR, of Bolton, CT; Asher Mirock, KD9RDR, of Bloomington, IL.
Both Asher and Gio are 12 years old and are previous graduates of my CW Academy beginners Morse code class. Both of them are excited about operating on HF frequencies. We welcome all of them to the fantastic world of amateur radio.
I ran these classes to learn how to conduct a class. It was truly a learning experience! I plan on having more classes in 2021, both using Zoom and in person training (once the COVID restrictions are lifted).
If you know of anyone interested in a class, please let me know. Additionally, if you are interested in volunteering (it’s easy to do!), please let me know.
-de Bruce, K1BG