W1IS and KC1DSQ: “Balun Basics” Featured in January 2021 CQ Magazine

Cover of January 2021 CQ MagazineGeorge Allison, K1IG, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:

The two Bobs, [PART of Westford] member Bob Glorioso, W1IS, and Bob Rose, KC1DSQ, just can’t stop writing!  Not content to have an article in December CQ magazine, they now have an article in the January issue of CQ titled “Baluns Basics” that describes what baluns are, how they work, and how to make them. Settle in to your easy chair, because the article is six pages (!) long, with lots of pictures and graphics. As usual, it’s well-written and very readable.

I note with some amusement that right in the middle of their article is full-page ad for LDG baluns — so you have a choice: you can a) buy a balun without knowing what it does or how it works (boo!) or b) build your own with full knowledge of what’s happening inside (hooray!). The choice is clear!

I’ve heard that there may be more articles coming in the months ahead. Well done to the two Bobs for improving the state of ham radio art and science!

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