Maybe you just received your Technician license, or perhaps you have had it for a while and burnt out on sparse FM Repeater contacts. Take a new look at the possibilities available to you beyond repeaters. Explore Tech HF and 6 Meter privileges for SSB, CW and Digital Modes (FT8/FT4/RTTY) to expand your operating modes and the distance covered in contacts. Explore other VHF/UHF uses, including SSB, Satellite Operation, FM Simplex, Digital Modes, Contesting, and more.
We are fortunate to have Anthony, K8ZT, back with us as we kick off the month of March.
This presentation will be of interest to everyone as well as for Technicians. There are many Hams who may have gotten licensed years ago and have just not found the time or guidance needed to assemble a station to get on the air. There are also many others who have perhaps gotten into a “rut” of just following the same pattern of operating over and over again without change.
Anthony has a great way of presenting his thoughts which should give us all a chance to hit the Refresh Button!
Here is one of Anthony’s recent presentations for the 2021 Virtual Hamcation about operating in State QSO parties – https://www.youtube.com/watch?
If you have previously received our K1USN Zoom invitations then you are already on that list and will receive your Zoom invitation on Sunday for the March 2nd session. If you would like to be added to that list or you know someone else who might like to join us, please contact me (k1rv@arrl.net) to be added to the K1USN Zoom invitation list. We do ask that you do not share the Zoom invite information which will help us to minimize the possibility of “Zoom Bombing” issues.
By the way, I know that I’ve mentioned Anthony’s website before, but every time I visit it I become even more impressed at the vast amount of resource material available – http://www.k8zt.com/
Check it out and I guarantee that you will be impressed!