Don Melanson, W1DM, writes:
Last night’s [April 15, 2021] Quannapowitt Radio Association Zoom meeting featuring the W1AW Video Tour turned into a surprise for a few of our members. As the meeting was about to take place another ham operator signed into the meeting. His name is Skip Y. Sugimoto, JE2HCJ, from Japan.
It’s a funny story, according to Bob Reiser, AA1M, QRA club secretary. It seems when Bob was sorting his personal contacts for one of his upcoming ARRL awards he added Skip’s e-mail to our Zoom meeting invite without really knowing it. So Bob was quite surprised when Skip asked for the login.
Nothing was said to any of the members until Skip signed in. Skip started his day off by watching the video and then answered a few questions from some of the members. It was a very enjoyable evening by all the members and guests who attended. Skip was very impressed with the video and was welcomed by all. Skip promised to keep in touch and possibly attend the next month’s meeting before he had to log out to go to work .
The QRA would like to thank the ARRL, Jeff Fox, K1GF, and W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, for making the video. It makes a W1AW tour possible for those unable to physically visit.