Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on April 23, 2021 at 1:43 PM:
The KD1D Fox is out for its first run of the spring operating on 146.565 MHz (FM) with a 30 second transmission at one-minute intervals.
To find it, try heading out of the Westford Common Area in the direction of the Westford Knight and an educational institution that may remind you of the leader of a monastery. You should start hearing the signal within a 1/4 mile or less.
More clues will be available upon request.
If you find it, be sure to sign the logbook and record the time and date or send a photo to my callsign at
The audio seems to be down a bit and it may transmit a few “clicks” between messages. I hope to iron out these minor problems next time around.
Happy hunting and 73 DE KD1D (Alan)
Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on April 25, 2021 at 5:45 PM:
I retrieved the KD1D Fox around 1700 EDT on 25 APR 2001
The intrepid Radio Fox hunters who found it on 24 APR2 001 are:
W1FDR, Bob @0930 EDT
W1MJ, Eliot (assisted by Noah, his canine companion.) @1133 EDT
K1IG, George @ 1224 EDT
W1HFN, Barry at 1250 EDT
Congratulations! I hope to put the Fox out again, soon. Stay tuned!
73 de Alan, KD1D