KD1D Fox Hiding in Westford, May 1, 2021

Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on May 1, 2021 at 12:50 PM:
The KD1D Fox is now transmitting from an undisclosed location in Westford.
It is in a Conservation Area near a body of water with the name of a famous Massachusetts political family.
The area has two official parking areas:

One has an obvious name referring to a trail.  The other is on a road named after a particularly large State.

Another access point is at the end of a road named after what grapes grow on and a mini river, often thought of as “babbling.”

This entry way is graced with “No Trespassing” and “Private Property”  signs, but if you walk to the left of the gate, you will actually be on Town land.  Just be sure to park up the street.  I mention this alternate entry for those wishing to avoid a long walk.

If you need additional clues, email me at my callsign @arrl.org

The Fox has a new voice message.  It contains some unwarranted braggadocio, which I will change next time.  Meanwhile, enjoy the area!

73 de KD1D

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