The KD1D Fox is out and about as of 0900 EDT on Friday May 7. The transmitter is on 146.565 MHz FM and begins a 30-second message every 60 seconds.
Begin your search near the intersection of North Street and Groton Road (Rt, 40), and you should be able to locate it easily on nearby Westford Conservation Land. For maps and guides, check out https://
Just one clue this time: Herpetology and Horses – mind your step!
If you need additional help locating the trail, email me at
73 and Happy Hunting de KD1D, Alan
Alan Hiks, KD1D writes:
The KD1D Fox was retrieved around 1100 EDT on Monday May 10.
The finders, this time, include:
K1IG , George, 115 EDT on 7 May (George notes he found the Fox in 15 minutes. Outstanding!)
KD1LE, Stan, 1212 EDT on 7 May
W1HFN, Barry on 7 May
W1FDR, Bob at 1327 EDT on 7 May.
There was a flurry of activity on Friday, but no takers on Saturday or Sunday (Mother’s Day -good decision, guys!)
The KD1D Fox will be taking the next weekend off, but stay tuned!
73 de KD1D, Alan