Our next K1USN Radio Club Zoom session will take place on Tuesday, May 11th @ 7:30 PM. We are happy to announce that our featured speaker will be Rich Moseson, W2VU, editor of CQ Magazine.
CQ Magazine has been in circulation since 1945 and is still considered THE magazine for active Hams!
FYI, if you have already been receiving our bi-weekly Zoom invitations then you will receive one on Sunday for this upcoming Tuesday session. If you would like to be added to our separate K1USN Zoom invitation list then send me a request (k1rv@arrl.net) and I’ll add you to that growing list.
As always, I ask that you pass along the news about this upcoming session, but do not share the Zoom invitation info. Instead, have your friends send me a request to be added to the list. We do this to reduce the possibility of any “Zoom bombing” – tnx.