“Pi” Pugh, K1RV, writes in K1USN Happenings, June 3, 2021:
The K1USN club station will be on the air this weekend beginning on Friday [June 5, 2021] @ 8 PM EDT (0000 UTC) @ 85 Quincy Ave, Braintree, MA. We expect to have three HF stations running on SSB/CS as well FT8/4. Operators will be needed to enable us to remain on the air as much as possible during the weekend.
As many of you already know, Museum Ships Weekend was begun by the K1USN Radio Club back in 1997 and has become a very popular annual event. All organizational details are now handled by the NJ2BB crew aboard the Battleship New Jersey and we are pleased to continue to support their efforts by activating K1USN each year.
Activity on the bands has grown over the years and there are many home stations competing to make contacts with as many of the participants as possible during the weekend. Larry, W1VP, has created a cool DX Summit search tool which will go live this weekend.
This search tool will show a real time flow of MSW participant cluster spots to enable you to track them down. The DX Summit filtered feed will be available from www.k1usn.com.
As I said, we will be needing operators so please let me know if you have some available time to either operate or just to drop by to check out K1USN in action during this weekend. […] Please drop me a note to let me know that you plan to operate and what day/hours/modes you wish to operate at pi.k1rv@gmail.com.
Locally, Mike, W1USN, WA1MD & Bob, AA1M plan to activate the USS Cassin Young as WW2DD. [See: USS Cassin Young WW2DD QRV for Museum Ships Weekend, June 5-6, 2021]
Rick, KB1TEE , WI1G, WA1MAD and crew will be activating the USS Massachusetts from Battleship Cove using the callsign NE1PL. Watch for all of them on the Cluster.