The Eastern Area Net or EAN has been part of the ARRL’s National Traffic System since its inception 70+ years ago. However in 2015 as many are aware there was a split with the creation of Radio Relay International or RRI. Much of what was considered NTS above the section level, including all of the Central and Pacific or Western areas affiliated with RRI while Eastern Area was split, operating two area level nets both meeting nightly. Effective August 1, 2021, NTS’s EAN will merge with RRI’s RRIE nets, consolidating resources. This net will be called EAN, will be reporting to both ARRL and RRI, and will continue to meet at 2030 Local time but will change frequency to 3552 kHz with backup at NCS discretion of 7052 kHz. Net manager will be Phil “Pip” Sager WB4FDT.