Massachusetts – Rhode Island STM Report for May 2024

The STM report for May is now posted at . Take particular note of the Traffic Handlers picnic on Sunday, August 4 from 12:00 Noon on. Hamburgers, hot dogs, Italian sausage and baked beans provided. Bring your beverage of choice and a lawn chair if you have one. A request has been made for good weather, so come join with fellow traffic handlers and would-be traffic handlers for some food and friendly conversation. An RSVP would be most appreciated so I can plan on how much food to have on hand. Also note information about the NTS Treasure Hunt and NE HamXposition forums on NTS. 

Massachusetts – Rhode Island STM Report for February 2024

The February traffic report for the combined sections of East and West Mass and Rhode Island can be found at  Highlighted are two section nets including  special commendation to MARIPN for highest number of check-ins and traffic, as well as MARI CW, then and now. Come join both friendly groups. We would love to hear from you.

First Region Net Time Change effective March 10

First Region Net Cycle 2 (SSB) is changing its meeting time due to the time change to Daylight Savings. Both early and late sessions will meet on 3950 Khz at 1445 and 1630 local time. This change is due to the change in the Eastern Area Net time which will continue to meet at 1930 UTC except on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1915 UTC (1530 and 1515 local respectively). The alternate frequency for First Region is 7240 Khz. Eastern Area meets on 7243 Khz daily.

Massachusetts – Rhode Island STM Report for December 2023

The Section Traffic Manager’s report for December 2023 can be found at .  Note a recap of 2023 stats and events, NTS participation in February 3 section SET, traffic tip on service messages and spotlight on KC1KVY.

(Note page 2 of report can be found by placing curser over bottom of the page and clicking on page 2)

Mass Rhode Island Phone Net expands to include Sunday sessions

According to Net Manager Ralph Devlin, N1LAH, effective Sunday January 7, 2024 the Massachusetts Rhode Island Phone Net will be adding  Sunday sessions to its regular weekly schedule. Look for the net daily at 1700 local time on 3978, +/- due to interference.  This net serves the three sections of East Mass, West Mass and Rhode Island with outlets to anywhere message traffic is legally permitted. All amateurs are welcome.

Section Traffic Manager Report for September 2023

The September STM report for the combined sections of Eastern and Western Mass and Rhode Island can be found here.  Note a history of HHTN thanks to Joe Weiss, W1HAI, and with special recognition to Scott Cassidy, N1SGB, for keeping the net’s continuity intact; how to sign up for future issues of the NTS Letter; using APRS to enter radiograms into the nationwide Digital Traffic System; getting creative with radiogram originations.

A History of HHTN – the Heavy Hitters Traffic Net

The Heavy Hitters Traffic Net has been around since the 1970’s and continues to provide a nightly outlet for National Traffic System messages. Through repeater linking and Echolink it currently  covers most of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with outlets to the rest of the country and beyond. Former net manager Joe Weiss W1HAI has written a history of this net. Find the link here and come see what it is all about. They welcome visitors and are happy to explain the NTS and how to become involved.

Massachusetts Rhode Island STM Report for August 2023

The Massachusetts Rhode Island STM report for August 2023 is now available at Note recent NTS news in QST and On the Air magazines plus podcast featuring KC1OIP. Also upcoming NTS Letter, patterned after ARES Letter, soon to be sent to ARRL field appointees. ARRL members can subscribe to this monthly newsletter featuring NTS. Also spotlight on Michael Ford, WZ0C.


Mass Rhode Island Digital Net Move

Net manager of the MARIDN Jon McCombie N1ILZ announces a slight move for this net in order to prevent interference to an ongoing CW net. The net will move down 500 Hz to 3582.5. It is a fun new net that is drawing more interest.  It currently uses the NBEMS suite of software. A Zoom chat precedes this net for informational purposes and can be used to help new folks get started. See for details.

Massachusetts Rhode Island STM Report for July 2023

Beginning this month you will see the Massachusetts Rhode Island STM Report, as your STM has been appointed as interim STM for Rhode Island. Rhode Island amateurs have long been included in our section traffic nets. Find the July report at Note there information on “Event Happenings”, “Net News”, “NTS 2.0 Update” and “Traffic Handler of the Month”, along with a peek preview of an upcoming initiative.

Massachusetts STM Report for June 2023

The Massachusetts STM Report for June 2023 can be found at . Especially Note: Traffic Handlers Picnic Sunday August 6 beginning at noon at 44 Raymond Rd Concord MA. Anyone interested in traffic handling throughout the region is welcome. Hamburgers, hot dogs and Italian sausages will be provided along with a big shade tree. Bring your beverage of choice and a lawn chair. Please RSVP to so we have enough food. Also note upcoming HamXposition and NTS events, new field appointments and reporting clarification.


New Manager for Heavy Hitters Traffic Net (HHTN)

The Heavy Hitters Traffic Net will have a new manager effective August 1, 2023. Bob Sparkes KC1KVY has agreed to assume management of the net. Bob has been very active on HHTN as well as EM2MN and MARIPN, and has served as liaison to First Region Net and Eastern Area net. Bob has also been involved in training new traffic handlers while in his spare time generating confirmation radiograms to those he has worked in Parks on the Air. Bob is certainly well qualified and I know he will do a great job guiding HHTN. Thanks to Bob for taking on this responsibility.
We also thank Joe Weiss W1HAI for all he has done for HHTN in increasing activity to seven nights a week and expanding coverage to nearly statewide for the net. Joe assures us he will continue to be available to help with technical matters such as repeater and Echolink linking. Many thanks again to Joe for years of service to HHTN.
73, Marcia KW1U  STM

Massachusetts STM Report for May 2023

The Section Traffic Manager’s report for May 2023 can be found at the following link . Note upcoming Traffic Handlers’ Picnic in Concord MA Sunday, August 6 beginning at noon. Also note NTS Meet and Greet and NTS 2.0 presentation at HamXposition weekend of August 25-27, dates and times TBD. See also featured traffic handler of the month Ralph Devlin, N1LAH, and traffic tip of the month.