“Pi” Pugh, K1RV, writes in K1USN Happenings, July 17, 2021:
Just a reminder that our next K1USN Zoom session will feature a presentation by Mindy – KM1NDY on Tuesday, July 20th @ 7:30 PM EDT. She will be discussing her POTA/SOTA adventures.
BTW, I know that I had previously mentioned checking out Mindy’s blog, but suggest that you go there again and see the fabulous job she has done detailing the Field Day operation of the Sci-Tech group – https://km1ndy.com/arrl-field-
If you would like to join our rapidly growing list of K1USN Zoom attendees then send me an e-mail ( k1rv@arrl.net ) to be added to the master Zoom list which is separate from the K1USN member list.