Doug Bruce, N1WRN, writes on the Billerica ARS website:
Our featured speaker will be Rob Macedo, KD1CY, who can do a very timely SKYWARN Overview beginning at 7:15 or 7:20 PM on August 4 on Zoom with [the Billerica Amateur Radio Society].
[We will announce the link to join the Zoom meeting before the meeting, but it will be posted to the BARS email list . Are you on the email list? If not, please send an email to and then simply reply to the robot response from the server and you will be subscribed.]SKYWARN is something virtually every BARS member can participate in and it uses the Westford repeater for all local SKYWARN activations. It is very helpful during winter weather and summer storms. SKYWARN reports are used by virtually all the major Boston TV stations too. It would be good to get BARS more involved in this.
Rob is also on Tom Walsh K1TW’s ARRL staff and has close ties to the National Weather service and the Weather Channel. Rob may also appear at times on local TV and Radio.