KD1D Fox is Hiding Indoors in Westford, September 3, 2021

Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on September 3, 2021 at 6:39 PM: 

George, K1IG, suggested setting up a Fox at a residence or public building, that would simulate an interfering or unlicensed transmitter (that wasn’t hidden in the woods in a tick nest, for example).  

As of 6:00 pm EDT, the KD1D Fox is in such a location in Westford.  If you take some initial readings from Hildreth Hills (Monadnock Drive and surroundings), you should get a hint of where it might be.  (It can also be heard from Kimball’s, but it might be best to save that for a reward at the end of your quest).

As usual, the KD1D Fox operates on 146.565 MHz FM with a message that repeats every 60 seconds

There is no logbook and hunters should avoid going on private property.  Be aware of your surroundings, especially traffic. To log your find, just send an email  with the (suspected) street address and/ or a( small) photo to kd1d@arrl.net.
Happy Hunting!

73 de KD1D

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